Landowners and site purchasers should consider policy requirements when agreeing land transactions. NPTCBC – Affordable Housing Viability Assessment Procedures – March 2014 Affordable Housing Viability Assessment Procedures Where an applicant indicates that they are unable to provide the full affordable housing requirement on viability grounds, they will need to submit a detailed financial appraisal of the proposed development. EUV can be established in collaboration between plan makers, developers and landowners by assessing the value of the specific site or type of site using published sources of information such as agricultural or industrial land values, or if appropriate capitalised rental levels at an appropriate yield (excluding any hope value for development). Amended paragraphs 001, 002, 004, 006-009, 013-019, 021, 023-026. It is important for developers and other parties buying (or interested in buying) land to have regard to the total cumulative cost of all relevant policies when agreeing a price for the land. 1.3 The Council is building an evidence base alongside the viability work. Testing sites for viability assessment S12 In order to provide reliable evidence on deliverability, the sites were to be examined under a range of assumptions about the key factors affecting viability: i) Affordable housing … Local planning authorities are required to keep a copy of any planning obligation together with details of any modification or discharge of the planning obligation and make these publicly available on their planning register. justified adequately by the evidence, particularly the Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (STU/51). Affordable Housing Development and Viability Assessment Andrew Golland Associates is a leading UK consultancy in the field of housing development and viability assessment. Paragraph: 015 Reference ID: 10-015-20190509. Further details regarding the Mayor’s approach to affordable housing and viability in the Mayor's intend to publish London Plan and Affordable Housing and Viability Supplementary Planning Guidance are available here. Where evidence, including viability information, is submitted relating to a utilities site to demonstrate the existence of substantial decontamination, enabling and remediation costs, and a 35 per cent affordable housing threshold is applicable, applicants will be required to pay £5000 plus VAT to cover the GLA’s costs for reviewing this. For commercial development broad assessment of value in line with industry practice may be necessary. A viability assessment which supports the affordable housing requirements that will be set out as policy in the emerging Core Strategy/Local Plan and other documents that will form part of the Local Plan. Policy compliant means development which fully complies with up to date plan policies. Gross development value is an assessment of the value of development. The characteristics used to group sites should reflect the nature of typical sites that may be developed within the plan area and the type of development proposed for allocation in the plan. Any local authority that has received developer contributions is required to publish an infrastructure funding statement at least annually. the total CIL receipts for the reported year; the total CIL expenditure for the reported year; summary details of CIL expenditure during the reported year including: the items of infrastructure to which CIL has been applied; the amount of CIL expenditure on each item; the amount of CIL applied to repay money borrowed, including interest, with details of the infrastructure items which that money was used to provide; the amount of CIL applied to administrative expenses and that amount expressed as a percentage of CIL collected in that year; and. Paragraph: 027 Reference ID: 10-027-20180724. Land transactions can be used but only as a cross check to the other evidence. Improving transparency of data associated with viability assessment will, over time, improve the data available for future assessment as well as provide more accountability regarding how viability informs decision making. Where this is necessary the costs of such specialist advice will be additional to the GLA officer costs. At the current time, a majority of viability assessments of individual sites Affordable Housing Viability Assessment Final Report July 2013 Dr Andrew Golland, BSc (Hons), PhD, MRICS Andrew Golland Associates . Viability assessment should not compromise sustainable development but should be used to ensure that policies are realistic, and that the total cumulative cost of all relevant policies will not undermine deliverability of the plan. The Council’s affordable housing policy IS5 provides a sound basis for securing the maximum reasonable proportion of affordable housing from developments, while at the same time avoiding an adverse impact upon viability and residential land supply. must exceed is lower than would be the case on sites in higher value uses. This will ensure that new developments are acceptable in planning terms; benefit local communities and support the provision of local infrastructure. You can change your cookie settings at any time. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of a PDF or other document on this page in a more accessible format, please get in touch via our online form and tell us which format you need. Any future policy will also take on board the outcomes of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment. Cambridge CC – Small Sites Affordable Housing Viability (DSP Ref. Where relevant policies in local Development Plan Documents are up to date, if an applicant wishes to make the case that viability should be considered on a site-specific basis, Policy DF1 in the Mayor's intend to publish London Plan requires that they should provide clear evidence of the specific issues that would prevent delivery, in line with relevant Development Plan policy, prior to submission of an application. They're required to support a case for reductions or removal of Affordable Housing contributions often required as part of a planning application receiving planning permission. Policy compliant in decision making means that the development fully complies with up to date plan policies. It is not peripheral, optional or cosmetic. In planning terms affordable housing is known as a section 106 obligation, and producing viability reports for developers is big business. October 2011 . Any professional site fees should also be taken into account when defining benchmark land value, explicit reference to project contingency costs should be included in circumstances where scheme specific assessment is deemed necessary, with a justification for contingency relative to project risk and developers return, allow for a premium to landowners (including equity resulting from those building their own homes), reflect the implications of abnormal costs; site-specific infrastructure costs; and professional site fees. Such circumstances could include, for example where development is proposed on unallocated sites of a wholly different type to those used in viability assessment that informed the plan; where further information on infrastructure or site costs is required; where particular types of development are proposed which may significantly vary from standard models of development for sale (for example build to rent or housing for older people); or where a recession or similar significant economic changes have occurred since the plan was brought into force. Authorities could consider setting a cap to ensure that any fees are not excessive. Where up-to-date policies have set out the contributions expected from development, planning applications that fully comply with them should be assumed to be viable. The premium for the landowner should reflect the minimum return at which it is considered a reasonable landowner would be willing to sell their land. In plan making, the landowner premium should be tested and balanced against emerging policies. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Standardised inputs to viability assessment, previous version of the framework published in 2012, guidance for local education authorities on developer contributions for education, Housing and economic land availability assessment, Community Infrastructure Levy Plan Examinations, Revised National Planning Policy Framework, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases, build costs based on appropriate data, for example that of the Building Cost Information Service, abnormal costs, including those associated with treatment for contaminated sites or listed buildings, or costs associated with brownfield, phased or complex sites. In particular, we will be addressing those core policies that are concerned with affordable housing and sustainability. You will require a compatible version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to do this. To provide this certainty, affordable housing requirements should be expressed as a single figure rather than a range. Coronavirus latest: What you need to know about the national lockdown. The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) is preparing Affordable Housing policies which will form part of the Local Development Framework (LDF). This is where the justification is on the grounds of financial viability. AUV of the land may be informative in establishing benchmark land value. More frequent reporting would help to further increase transparency and accountability and improve the quality of data available. Monitoring fees can be used to monitor and report on any type of planning obligation, for the lifetime of that obligation. S18 We have adopted a approach to the calculation of the developn er contribution, utilising the site viability analysis. Where a viability assessment is submitted to accompany a planning application this should be based upon and refer back to the viability assessment that informed the plan; and the applicant should provide evidence of what has changed since then. Sources of data can include (but are not limited to): land registry records of transactions; real estate licensed software packages; real estate market reports; real estate research; estate agent websites; property auction results; valuation office agency data; public sector estate/property teams’ locally held evidence. Where viability assessment is used to inform decision making under no circumstances will the price paid for land be a relevant justification for failing to accord with relevant policies in the plan. Drafting of plan policies should be iterative and informed by engagement with developers, landowners, and infrastructure and affordable housing providers. Where up-to-date policies have set out the contributions expected from development, planning applications that fully comply with them should be assumed to be viable. It will also help us if you tell us which assistive technology you use. The role for viability assessment is primarily at the plan making stage. Under the revised NPPF, the role for viability assessment is now primarily at the plan making stage. An Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (AHVA) was commissioned by the council in 2010. Average costs and values can then be used to make assumptions about how the viability of each type of site would be affected by all relevant policies. Affordable Housing Viability Assessment Prepared for London Borough of Ealing October 2010 . Paragraph: 006 Reference ID: 10-006-20190509. Where a viability assessment is submitted to accompany a planning application, the executive summary should refer back to the viability assessment that informed the plan and summarise what has changed since then. Herbert Smith Freehills is running workshops which talk through an example calculation to show how this approach to viability assessment works in practice. Financial Viability Assessment (pdf, 207KB) Appendix - Base Residential Land Values per hectare (pdf, 20KB) A study into the viability of development proposals on small sites was commissioned to understand the potential impact of off-site contributions towards affordable housing. City and County of Swansea Affordable Housing Viability Study – August 2013 Page 3 Contents page Page Chapter 1 … The new London Plan will be based on an updated assessment of housing need and a comprehensive understanding of London’s capacity to meet it within the context of all of London’s competing land … Local authorities can also report this information in authority monitoring reports but the authority monitoring report is not a substitute for the infrastructure funding statement. This is so that historic benchmark land values of non-policy compliant developments are not used to inflate values over time. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. To collect data for the infrastructure funding statement, it is recommended that local authorities monitor data on section 106 planning obligations and the levy in line with the government’s data format. Page 2 of 113 Executive Summary The Brief Levvel has been appointed by South Kesteven District Council to undertake an Affordable Housing Viability Study to inform the development of affordable housing policy through the Local Development Framework. Review of Viability ii) This Preliminary Assessment of Financial Viability (the Study) has been produced at a key stage in the Local Development Plan review. Where this evidence is not available plan makers and applicants should identify and evidence any adjustments to reflect the cost of policy compliance. It said that the developer must demonstrate that the maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing has been met when that amount is below the borough-wide affordable housing … For housing, historic information about delivery rates can be informative. Great Yarmouth BC - Affordable Housing Viability Assessment – October 2012 Page 7 2.4 The gross residual value is the starting point for negotiations about the level and scope of Section 106 contribution. For the purpose of viability assessment alternative use value (AUV) refers to the value of land for uses other than its existing use. Plans should set out the contributions expected from development. Our viability A lower figure may be more appropriate in consideration of delivery of affordable housing in circumstances where this guarantees an end sale at a known value and reduces risk. It is the responsi… In following this process plan makers can first group sites by shared characteristics such as location, whether brownfield or greenfield, size of site and current and proposed use or type of development. Potential risk is accounted for in the assumed return for developers at the plan making stage. For residential development, this may be total sales and/or capitalised net rental income from developments. Paragraph: 016 Reference ID: 10-016-20190509. Sets out key principles in understanding viability in plan making and decision taking. It is the role of developers, not plan makers or decision makers, to mitigate these risks. Plan makers can set out in plans where review mechanisms will be used for build to rent schemes. We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 5 working days. This should include setting out the levels and types of affordable housing provision required, along with other infrastructure (such as that needed for education, health, transport, flood and water management, green and digital infrastructure). When is an affordable housing financial viability assessment required? Paragraph: 012 Reference ID: 10-012-20180724. For schemes that include a net increase of between 5 and 14 residential units where a financial contribution is to be provided in lieu of ‘onsite’ affordable housing an affordable housing proforma is required to be completed and submitted with the application. Reporting on developer contributions helps local communities and developers see how contributions have been spent and understand what future funds will be spent on, ensuring a transparent and accountable system. This could be through the use of on-site signage, local authority websites, or development-specific websites, for example. Plan makers should identify where costs are unknown and identify where further viability assessment may support a planning application. See related policy: National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 34, Paragraph: 001 Reference ID: 10-001-20190509, Revision date: 09 05 2019 See previous version. Do you or your clients need a viability assessment or advice to reduce planning contributions? If evidence of AUV is being considered the premium to the landowner must not be double counted. Local authorities are required to keep a copy of any planning obligation together with details of any modification or discharge of the planning obligation and make these publicly available on their planning register. The Viability Study will As can be imagined, nearly all developers opt to submit a ‘financial viability assessment’. It should also set out the proposed developer contributions and how this compares with policy requirements. Thank you for rating. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This might include if there is evidence that the alternative use would fully comply with up to date development plan policies, if it can be demonstrated that the alternative use could be implemented on the site in question, if it can be demonstrated there is market demand for that use, and if there is an explanation as to why the alternative use has not been pursued. Developers of large schemes are far more likely to argue down affordable housing numbers Viability is used much more often on large housing … We provide detailed financial viability assessments to be included in planning application submissions. an informed assessment of the viability of any such percentage figure is a central feature of the Planning Policy Statement (PPS3) on affordable housing. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Viability Matters Expert S106 advice, viability assessment & affordable housing negotiation for developers, architects & planners If the profit margin for your development is pushed below 20% by Section 106 contributions, contact us today. This is a dynamic search form and results will populate below the input as you type. Paragraph: 009 Reference ID: 10-009-20190509. This National Planning Guidance sets out the government’s recommended approach to viability assessment for planning. City and County of Swansea Affordable Housing Viability Study – August 2013 Page 3 Contents page Page Chapter 1 … As a minimum, the government recommends that the executive summary sets out the gross development value, benchmark land value including landowner premium, costs, as set out in this guidance where applicable, and return to developer. Affordable Housing Viability Assessment By Levvel December 2009 . Plan makers will then engage with landowners, site promoters and developers and compare data from existing case study sites to help ensure assumptions of costs and values are realistic and broadly accurate. This will be an iterative process informed by professional judgement and must be based upon the best available evidence informed by cross sector collaboration. In order to improve clarity and accountability it is an expectation that any viability assessment is prepared with professional integrity by a suitably qualified practitioner and presented in accordance with this National Planning Guidance. Existing use value should be informed by market evidence of current uses, costs and values. Viability testing is an important requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) alongside an assessment of housing … 1.3 As a consequence the Inspector stated that: ‘It may be necessary for the Council to revise STU/51 to look at alternatives which will be clearly viable in … Any future policy will also take on board the outcomes of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment. Paragraph: 023 Reference ID: 10-023-20190509. It is up to the applicant to demonstrate whether particular circumstances justify the need for a viability assessment at the application stage. If additional information is submitted at a later stage the borough’s costs for assessing this should also be met. Policy requirements should be clear so that they can be accurately accounted for in the price paid for land. Clients include land owners, developers, … Where it is assumed that an existing use will be refurbished or redeveloped this will be considered as an AUV when establishing BLV. A decision maker can give appropriate weight to emerging policies. If less than 35 per cent affordable housing is provided, the scheme will be considered under the Viability Tested Route and the approach referred to in the previous paragraph will apply. Viability assessments are financial appraisals of the amount of profit a developer can expect to make on a scheme. Viability assessments should be undertaken using benchmark land values derived in accordance with this guidance. This would, however, be subject to addressing above average levels of. Grant and other external sources of funding should be considered. Existing use value (EUV) is the first component of calculating benchmark land value. Applicants should engage with the borough, and the Mayor for referable applications, at pre-application stage to determine whether a scheme can follow the Fast Track Route. From 1st February 2020 an upfront payment of £10,000 plus VAT is required to meet the cost of case officer project management, specialist viability officer review and management team input. Fees could be a fixed percentage of the total value of the section 106 agreement or individual obligation; or could be a fixed monetary amount per agreement obligation (for example, for in-kind contributions). This is where the justification is on the grounds of financial viability. For broad area-wide or site typology assessment at the plan making stage, average figures can be used, with adjustment to take into account land use, form, scale, location, rents and yields, disregarding outliers in the data. The approach supports accountability for communities by enabling them to understand the key inputs to and outcomes of viability assessment. Plan makers can use site typologies to determine viability at the plan making stage. affordable housing 106; is dedicated to providing clients with bespoke affordable housing viability reports and land development professional services. Valuation based on AUV includes the premium to the landowner. The Affordable Housing … AFFORDABLE HOUSING & PLANNING OBLIGATIONS FINANCIAL VIABILITY ASSESSMENT PROFORMA This document has been provided as an interactive PDF, which should enable applicants to complete and submit it without the need to print. An illustrative list of circumstances where viability should be assessed in decision making is set out below. The Council wishes to assess the viability of a range of policy options for the delivery of affordable housing to inform the emerging Local Development Framework (LDF) policies. You should send an un-redacted affordable housing financial viability assessment with any application that fails to fully satisfy policy requirements for affordable housing.
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