For example, if the Amazon S3 path is userId, the following partitions aren't added to the AWS Glue Data Catalog: To resolve this issue, use lower case instead of camel case: Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Athena, Actions, resources, and condition keys for AWS Glue, Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, use the AWS Glue Data Catalog with Athena, The AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role doesn't have a policy that allows the. When you enable partition projection on a table, Athena ignores any partition metadata in the AWS Glue Data Catalog or external Hive metastore for that table. If a particular projected partition does not exist in Amazon S3, Athena will still project the partition. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. XML Word Printable JSON. Here is a listing of that data in S3: With the above structure, we must use ALTER TABLEstatements in order to load each partition one-by-one into our Athena table. Why might not radios be effective in a post-apocalyptic world? I can add these partitions manually and everything works however, I was wondering why msck repair does not add these partitions automatically and update the metastore? When discover.partitions is enabled for a table, Hive performs an automatic refresh as follows: Adds corresponding partitions that are in the file system, but not in metastore, to the metastore. For example, to load the data in s3://athena-examples- myregion /elb/plaintext/2015/01/01/, you can run the following. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Type: Bug Status: Open. Restrictions Hive stores a list of partitions for each table in its metastore. For an example of an IAM policy that allows the glue:BatchCreatePartition action, see AmazonAthenaFullAccess managed policy. If the policy doesn't allow that action, then Athena can't add partitions to the metastore. Automatic schema and partition recognition: Amazon Glue automatically crawls your data sources, identifies data formats, and suggests schemas and transformations. 1.Adding each partition to the table How can you get 13 pounds of coffee by using all three weights each trial? The Athena query engine is a derivation of Presto 0.172 and does not support all of Presto’s native features. Usage of Athena is not free but it has an attractive price model, you pay only for the scanned data (currently $5.0 per TiB). Is it about finding missing partitions in Hive Metastore or in HDFS directories ? Both "TBLS" and "PARTITIONS" have a foreign key referencing to SDS(SD_ID). For more information, see ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION . Deploying PrestoDB on your own is one way to avoid Athena’s partitioning limitations. Running the MSCK statement ensures that the tables are properly populated. Amazon Athena uses a managed Data Catalog to store information and schemas about the databases and tables that you create for your data stored in Amazon S3. Hive Metastore has a longer history and an active community, so it has gathered lots of features on the way. While creating a table in Athena we mention the partition columns, however, the partitions are not reflected until added explicitly, thus you do not get any records on querying the table. MSCK not adding the missing partitions to Hive Metastore when the partition names are not in lowercase. Once your table is setup, you can run the following command to tell Athena to rebuild the partition tree by walking down your S3 folder structure: MSCK REPAIR TABLE mytable; if not vals: logging.error('Glue table has is missing partition values') return '' if len(keys) != len(vals): logging.error('Glue table has different number of partition keys in table and values in partition') return '' s_keys = [] for k, v in zip(keys, vals): s_keys.append('%s=%s' % (k['name'], v)) return '/'.join(s_keys) # TODO escape chars in keys and values, see… If, however, new partitions are directly added to HDFS , the metastore (and hence Hive) will not be aware of these partitions unless the user runs either of below ways to add the newly add partitions. I hope you find this post useful and that this helps accelerate your Athena migration efforts. To avoid this error, you can use the IF NOT EXISTS clause. In order to load the partitions automatically, we need to put the column name and value i… Alternatively, update the partitions directly in Glue (manually or use a crawler). Fortunately, Athena has an easy fix. Fix Version/s: None Component/s: Hive. Priority: Minor . 1 To just create an empty table with schema only you can use WITH NO DATA (see CTAS reference).Such a query will not generate charges, as you do not scan any data. One record per file. When you use the AWS Glue Data Catalog with Athena, the IAM policy must allow the glue:BatchCreatePartition action. If a partition already exists, you receive the error Partition already exists. Amazon Glue provides out-of-the-box integration with Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and any Apache Hive Metastore-compatible application. i have a .csv file for each day , and eventually i will have to load data for 4 years. This is needed because the manifest of a partitioned table is itself partitioned in the same directory structure as the table. After running. Labels: hive; Description. With Presto under the hood you even get a long list of extra functions including lambda expressions. Using the key names as the folder names is what enables the use of the auto partitioning feature of Athena. Details. Who is the true villain of Peter Pan: Peter, or Hook? For an example of an IAM policy that allows the glue:BatchCreatePartition action, see AmazonAthenaFullAccess managed policy. This is needed because the manifest of a partitioned table is itself partitioned in the same directory structure as the table.
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