TOLONG CHECK PARCEL NOMBOR PL974816907153..DARI 23.07.2020 SAMPAI HARI INI 28.07.2020 MASIH TAK ADA MOVEMENT..PARCEL INI PENTING..SAYA TAKUT HILANG..DAN SAYA NAK TAMBAH ADDRESS (UNIGARDEN)..MAAF TERLUPA TULIS. 11 Mar 2019 12:10 PM. #Poslaju kena buat sesuatu supaya barangan yang dipos sampai ke penerima seperti mana sepatutnya. Most probably, once you get this status, you’ll receive the parcel the same day. 2WEEKS AGO STILL AT THE SAME PARCEL HUB .. eha039799856my Posted on 23/06/2020. Assalamualaikum cik, dah 3 Bulan ni aq punya barang belum sampai lagi, start 3/7/2020 pengirimam pi Indonesia dgn no track RR188887909MY. 2. My tracking number is ENB031152757MY. BERTANYA UNTUK CONSIGNMENT EE010407947MY SEKARANG ITEM ADA ROUTE TO TURKEY BOLEH SAYA DAPATKAN BARANG TU ADA DIMALAYSIA KE TURKEY? Tolong update data. Yes, your will now be over as you are all set to receive the parcel soon. 89 were here. Sila hubungi 1-300-300-300 untuk penghantaran yang kedua pada hari berikutnya. OUR SERVICES. Isu ini memang boleh berlaku. Image Item Stuck In Klia Hub For Almost 2 Weeks. Please take action on it. PLEASE UPDATE MY PARCEL Alahai.. macam daku sendiri Alhamdulillah so far tak ada masalah dengan pihak poslaju kerana driver yang bertugas untuk hantar parcel untuk kawasan aku ni memang akan call terus jika kebetulan tak ada kat rumah. ERC071348607MY (last updated 06.06.2020) To track your PosLaju parcel, visit, which is the official website. Poslaju please check my item PL061231535270 it has been 2 weeks since the parcel dispatched out i need my item to use it as soon as possible thnk you :)), Hi, my parcel still stuck in dispatch out from 16 November until now. Poslaju parcel hub merupakan pusat agihan yang akan menghantar bungkusan itu mengikut alamat yang ada. image. Poslaju parcel hub merupakan pusat agihan yang akan menghantar bungkusan itu mengikut alamat yang ada. Poslaju Parcel Hub - Membeli-belah secara online memang sudah menjadi kelaziman setiap orang pada masa ini. Hai, tolong cek status barang saya sebab barang saya last updated di klia hub sejak awal bulan Jun 2020. Barang stuck lebih sebulan Sudah. by kavitha 3 years ago EH 640133474MY boleh hantar hari ini .Esok anak saya nak guna untuk sekolah .N0, 112 jalan arif 5,taman arif utama,44000 kuala kubu bharu,selangor. EHA074265288MY (stuck kat air hitam) Kenapa byk sgt hub yg perlu disinggah oleh kenderaan poslaju yang membawa parcel sehingga mengganggu kelancaran perjalanan sesebuah kenderaan dalam proses delivery? Until this moment I didn’t receive any update about my parcel. STILL AT THE SAME PARCEL HUB .. My parcel is at KLIA since 22/01/2021. Hi, Poslaju my item or parcel has been posted at the counter on 10 Feb 2021 but still stuck in Poslaju transit office till now. I understand that you’re anxious to receive your parcels, be it an online order or a parcel from friend. DR 19/8 SAMPAI KE HARI NI X UPDATED STATUS…STUCK D KLIA HUB…. Untuk pihak Poslaju Malaysia, setiap bungkusan akan diasingkan sebelum di hantar ke Poslaju parcel hub mengikut lokasi si penerima. Bila tiba di Parcel Hub, mereka akan proses parcel anda. Minta tolong percepatkan penghantaran. Bungkusan barang baru saja tiba di pejabat Poslaju. How could this happen? dari 16 september still sampai skg tak updated status lagi. #4 'Item processed' Once your parcel reaches the Parcel Hub, the workers will then process your parcel again and sort it according to the area of delivery. This Shopee Poslaju FREE Shipping Program is an initiative by Shopee to encourage more users to buy and sell online easily. Consignment Dispatch Out From Transit Office Poslaju Parcel Hub album. image. Pos Laju has the widest network coverage and the largest courier fleet in Malaysia. POS Laju mana jawapan kamu, complain dah buat tapi tak jawab, sila conform complain no saya, Item Reference Number EL018003373 Can you please help me to track my parcel. minta tolong delivery secepatnya kerana parcel itu penting sangat saya boleh kena buang kerja kalau parcel tu hilang :"( minta tolong sangat EH623972972MY. 2.7. ERC068888377MY (last updated 06.06.2020) About Poslaju Express. Pls expedite. kebaikkan juga yang akan datang kepada kita. My parcel (PL721748418536) already ship out one week already , why still not arrive. Unknown May 21, 2020 at 5:47 PM. Tolong update barang saya EU025441335MY dan EU025342655MY masih tsekat dia parcel hub. Tolong track boleh??? 3. Pihak yang bertugas baru saja scan... 2. Currently, SendParcel users can choose to drop off parcels at Pusat Poslaju (PPL) ,Post Offices (PO), Parcel Lockers, Drive Thru, Kiosks & selected 7- eleven outlets. Pos Laju Bangi Contact Number. May 15, 2020 at 3:10 pm Hey my tracking number still not update in website. ... You can also check Pos Laju delivery rates, order a pickup, generate e-consignment notes, and create bulk shipments for domestic and international deliveries. Untuk pihak Poslaju Malaysia, setiap bungkusan akan diasingkan sebelum di hantar ke Poslaju parcel hub mengikut lokasi si penerima. Kenapa byk sgt perbezaan dr sudut pengurusan parcel antara Poslaju dgn lain2 courier servis? Item processed PosLaju Parcel Hub. Services. In such cases, you need to wait 1 more day if you see this particular status on your Poslaju tracking screen. Here’s how it works. Untuk lebih mudah, boleh terus di ambil dari pejabat pos yang terlibat. Report Top. Minat menulis untuk pelbagai topik seperti kesihatan, keibubapaan, perhubungan, kecantikkan, makanan, travel, Islamik dan sebagainya. Parcel Monitor user from Singapore a month ago. Sebut saja apa jenis barangan yang diinginkan, semuanya ada untuk dibeli dengan harga yang amat berpatutan. Parcel is a delivery service for items at an affordable price with the option of delivery by surface or air. Sign Up . But what you see in the “Events or Office section” is still not clear to many customers. Poslaju Kota Kinabalu (KK) Address, Contact Number, Operating Hours. 22/7 pos kiriman barang untuk ke … Can you check the consignment number is EH835609536MY . Poslaju Parcel Hub Sangat Berguna Untuk Trace Barang Ada Di Mana . However, my parcel was promised to be delivered to my house on 19th February yet it went unsuccessful. Poslaju Tracking Problem 2021 Solved and Working Now! Item Processed - Malaysia Post EMS - PosLaju Parcel Hub How to know which Hub? tolong semak semula brg sy di mana. Very poor services, did not solve any problems, my item had stucks on the parcel hub since 21may until now is 2 June still in the parcel hub... Can poslaju just close up this office since its below 2 reviews rates for so long... Malaysia Boleh! PL703435053667 Senior Member 750 posts Joined: Oct 2008. u cannot the poslaju guy will fap to u parcel 1st, then will send to u u get extra item :hehe: Card PM. On 15th February, I shopped online and my items are being processed in Poslaju Parcel Hub. Log In. Tlong bagi kerjasama. When the delivery guy doesn’t find appropriate address or you’re not available to take the parcel, they will drop the parcel at Ezibox for self pickup. Call x yah ckp la, x penah nk angkat. Track PosLaju. Lot 13A, Bgn Terminal Utama, 64000, KLIA Sepang, Selangor, 64000, Malaysia. since 15dec until now? MY208347367678X (last updated 15.07.2020) Senarai no tracking spt dibawah: 1. is … LEBIH 2 MINGGU SUDA TIADA SAMPAI2 KENA UPDATE!!! Weight. 3. Yes, this happens many times when the address is not given correctly by a customer. Bungkusan telah berjaya diserahkan kepada penerima mengikut alamat yang tertera. Shopping Online sudah menjadi perkara biasa untuk masyarakat kita.Hanya perlu pilih produk dan setelah selesai fasa pembayaran, bungkusan barangan tersebut akan tiba sehingga ke depan pintu rumah. PosLaju Parcel Hub. Pos Laju Brickfields, Kenapa brg poslaju saya still dekat parcel hub ??? You will see “Pos Laju Transit Office (KLIA Hub)” in your tracking status. Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office on 05/02/2021 @ poslaju parcel hub Item processed PosLaju Parcel Hub. And if you wish to directly drive to the point, here’s the location on Google Maps to follow in order to reach KLIA Hub. Mungkin waktu itu pembahagian mengikut lokasi poskod akan dilakukan supaya memudahkan sistem atau proses penghantaran yang akan dilakukan nanti. THANK YOU! Barang belum sampai? Track and Trace. Calculate your postage rate, send and track your parcel. Express. It’s the first step to process your parcel. Hi, Barang masih stuck di poslaju parcel hub. Minta tolong percepatkan penghantaran. Brg sya dr 19/6 sampai skrg xsmpai lagi…dh email..xde respon…tlg bg kerjasama.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Image Waktu Operasi Pos Laju Mengikut Negeri - Pendidik2u. Category Details Recipient is unknown semua cuti ke? apa dah jadi? Replies . Please my item no update from parcel hub since it dispatch from parcel hub in 11 july 2020, tiday is 18 July 2020, please release my item or update status very soon, im worried if my belongings lost. This very important for the customer but still stuck in Poslaju Parcel Hub. Penghantaran sangat teruk . i need my item urgently. On the 16th February, I sent a parcel to my friend in Kelantan and she received it on the 18th. It is very simple to track your Poslaju parcel using Delyva’s Poslaju tracking. Submit your answer. No you don’t! ENB180317764MY Paling risau jika ada buat belian barang dan kemudian kita pula tak ada kat rumah. eFeedback Poslaju: Register Your Complaint or Submit Request Here! eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'bidadari_my-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])); Di sini akan disenaraikan maksud ayat untuk setiap status yang digunakan oleh pusat agihan Poslaju parcel hub ini. You’ll see this status at times when there’s no one at your home to pick up the parcel. EHA074265257MY If not, read on to know more in detail with step by step explanation of parcel tracking received from your Poslaju account. Thankyou. One stop destination for sending parcels via Pos Laju and e-commerce solutions for your business. But my visit to pickup was quick and painless. How do i collect this item? Minta tolong update item saya ERC326073445MY masih tidak bergerak2 di poslaju hub dari 15 julai 2020. If you’re still facing any issues to find the hub location, you can always drop your questions in the comment section below to get it solved! 6. Pihak penjual yang telah menguruskan segalanya ikut merasa bimbang. EP736081583MY ERC112706133MY (last updated 10.06.2020) Apa pasal barang lama tak gerak ni bagi keja sama barang sudah 1 bln tidur di parcel hup..ape cite seneta.. Tlong lh percepat kn parcel saya,saya mau guna sdh tu brg,MAU SATU BULAN SUDAH BARANG KU DI PARCEL HUB TAK GERAK2. In such circumstances, the delivery person sends your parcel to the nearest Poslaju post office. tolong semak dan update kat mana parcel sy sekarang. From. 31-Jan-2013 01:44:42 Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office HUB POSLAJU PMK 29-Jan-2013 17:37:04 Consignment dispatch out from origin station PPL PULAU PINANG 29-Jan-2013 12:00:45 Consignment posted over the counter PPL PULAU PINANG This item ship from 9july, and last update is 18july. Is an important item, Hope to hear from you soon. My tracking number is PL430848005024. It would usually take 2-3 business days to deliver the parcel once the item is processed. Track and Trace. Why my item still Processed? 09 Feb 2019 08:17 AM. Sepatutnya 3 hari sahaja paling lama bg proses kutipan sehingga serahan/delivery. After that, you need to collect the parcel on your own. 09 Feb 2019 02:16 AM. I hope that you’re now clear about what is Poslaju Parcel hub and how you can find the nearest one. MAY I KNOW PENANG ACCOUNT DEPT CONTACT NUMBER? so bad respon !!!!! I hope that it’s now clear from the above definition that what is parcel hub in your Poslaju tracking status. My parcel been declared as missing after 2 weeks of waiting. PosLaju Parcel Hub. image. Why is my parcel still in transit PosLaju? Phone Number: +60 1-300-30-0300 (Toll Free) Official Website: #4 – Consignment Dispatch Out From Transit Office. 0. Poslaju's Parcel Hub nearest to you. Please, cepatkan penghantaran. itu barang penting untuk baby sy. [PosLaju Parcel Hub]Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office 13-08-2020 22:48 [PosLaju Parcel Hub]Item processed 12-08-2020 20:49 [Pos Laju Bukit Mertajam]Item picked up (POSLAJU:PL065488905673) 12-08-2020 20:36 [Pos Laju Bukit Mertajam]Item dispatched out. Delivery experience. Show posts by this member only | Post #5. Poslaju tolong take action, sy da complaint pun tp takde ape² pun feedback.. sy ade 3parcel.. 2 stuck di klia hub 1 di air hitam dr 19july 2020. ERC289366371MY. Google User (29/05/2020 10:58) Reviews are extremely poor. Anda juga seharusnya buka dulu bungkusan dan periksa isi dalamnya samada rosak ataupun tidak. Item processed status means your delivery details are received by the nearest Poslaju branch from your location. is your one-stop location for tracking packages in Malaysia. tracking no jga x d updte . TOLONG CHECK SAYA PUNYA BARANG Item Content PARCEL PL637299841746, tolong bagi kerjasama untuk bagitahu saya status barang saya ini. Track PosLaju. eha129121189my posted on 23/03/2020 to Kota kinabalu. Bilg 2 3 hari barang dah smpai…skrg dah seminggu x smpai” pos laju ke pos lambat ni? The order processing takes around 48 hours once the seller drops the parcel at the parcel hub. Bungkusan akan diproses pada hari bekerja berikutnya. Is an important item, Hope to hear from you soon. This is where parcels are sorted according to postcodes before being sent out to the delivery facilities nationwide. © __ez.scxr.getDW(document).write(new Date().getFullYear()). Hak Cipta Terpelihara. Masa di parcel hub, pihak pos laju akan bahagikan semua parcel mengikut negeri/poskod. Courier Service. Item posted over the counter Ampang Point PO. The status 8, 9 and 10 above are very rare but they might happen when the receiver isn’t available at the location. Enthusiast. Here, the Poslaju Parcel hub means, it’s near to your location and not the seller’s location. this is … Item saya ENB036120447MY masih berada d parcel hub dari 7 julai 2020. I usually do the same when I don’t receive my parcels. terima kasih. Item dispatched out Pos Laju Ampang. jensenred95: Aug 9 … DIHARAP PIHAK POSLAJU DAPAT MEMBANTU KAMI YANG LAMA TUNGGU. May 15, 2020 at 7:51 am my item is delivered to another person! I want to send parcels! Jika anda sebagai pelanggan lihat status ini, status ini bermaksud parcel anda telah diambil oleh pihak kurier untuk dibuat penghantaran kepada anda. is not the official portal and it's not representing any official website of POS Malaysia. Sign Up Now! BOTH PARCELS DOESN’T UPDATE SINCE 4FEB UNTIL NOW Item processed - Your parcel is being processed in Pos Laju's Parcel Hub. PosLaju Rates 2021: Check Pos Laju International & Domestic Rates! When there’s no post office near to your delivery location, the delivery person drops your parcel at Ezibox near to you. poslaju did not come to my house instead i got a … I am worrying about my parcel. Lian Kong Wah Send email : Aug 12, 2020 Parcel stuck at KLIA Transit Hub. Fast! *ERC286373373MY Quote Reply. Item posted over the counter Bungkusan barang baru saja tiba di pejabat Poslaju. Let’s now have a look at some frequently asked questions by Poslaju customers regarding the Parcel hub and it’s location. Insert your shipment tracking number and get real-time delivery status. Bungkusan keluar dari pusat agihan dan sedang dihantar ke Poslaju parcel hub terdekat sebelum dihantar kepada penerima.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'bidadari_my-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',159,'0','0'])); Bungkusan baru tiba di Poslaju parcel hub terdekat. Checked in Into (nama hub) Hub. harap pihak poslaju ambil tindakan dengan segera. my parcel arrived in malaysia on dec 4th and now it's been stuck "consignment dispatch out from transit office (poslaju transit office klia hub)" since dec 8th. Nama dan no IC penerima bungkusan turut di ambil untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sistem. semua staff kena kurantin ke? BARANG DR CHINA YG JAUH PUN DAH SAMPAI, ERB945645028MY from 18th july until now still in parcel pos laju hub, the customer need it urgently, Dah dekat sebulan barang x smpai2, e-feedback dah buat.. CALLING AND EMAIL DOESN’T ERC167948973MY last update in tracking tool SAYA ALIAH Reply. Received the parcel as scheduled..thank you . Satu lagi Tolong secepatnya diproses , terima kasih, Asslmualaikum pos laju courier. DAH BIASA DAH KENA SIDAI LAMA LAMA AKU RASA POSLAJU NAK KENE PAKAI EVO 9 lahh, Poslaju…pls take this remark…kami pkai poslaju s to support our very own Malaysia shipping agency n cost is more expensive than other shipping companies..We dun mind paying a bit more to show our support to our own Malaysia shipping agency but delivery time takes ages to reach. PL893351824925, Minta tolong update item saya PL058553487989 masih tidak bergerak2 di poslaju Parcel hub,harap dapat mempercepatkan penghantaran.barang tu urgent. I havent received my parcel till now. As I mentioned earlier in this post that there are several parcel status and I’m now going to explain each and every status with the meaning so that you don’t get confused. Prepaid. Setiap bungkusan akan melalui pelbagai fasa sebelum selamat tiba di tangan pembeli. Today is 8/02/2021. Barang saya hampir sebulan belum sampai dari 29/7/2020. 2. Barang saya stuck kat pos laju klia hub sampai sekarang. Image Status Tracking PosLaju | Hartanah Maya. PL090911477819 barang saya tak sampai lagi dari 14hari bulan december sampai lagi bukannya jauh sangat order jb hantar ke batu pahat takkan perlu masa yng lama. EHA074265345MY (stuck kat klia hub), Hi POS laju, ni mahu smggu lbih brang langsung tidak gerak2, mohon Ada tindakan. Sign Up Now! Reply. Setelah itu akan muncul ayat yang akan memberitahu status terkini berkaitan parcel anda tersebut. EP7124276651MY Semoga perkongsian ini dapat membantu anda dalam memahami tugas Poslaju parcel hub dengan lebih dekat lagi. Parcel Monitor for Poslaju is the world’s best parcel tracking portal for your domestic and international shipments. Pos Malaysia semakin ketinggalan berbanding persaing lain.. Can you check the consignment number is EHA068791903MY. ParcelHub Station 18 is an one stationed Hub with multiple courier services! TAK SAMPAI LAGI BAD SERVICE BTL OO!! Bungkusan telah mula di bawa keluar dari pejabat pos untuk dihantar ke pusat agihan utama mengikut poskod negeri yang ditulis oleh si pengirim. *ERC287296766MY, 1. … Reply. Item delivered to SARNA Choose from 8 package plans which come with attractive rates and benefits. Pls update on when can I get my parcel delivered? Please update me the status of my parcel EN102653436MY. The Parcel hub office location depends on the seller’s location and the delivery address. Parcel hub is a location where the seller drops the parcel for order processing. 2. SendParcel is our online shipping platform that's ideal for eCommerce and online sellers! Sila berikan sedikit masa dan jika masih juga belum selamat sampai, anda boleh terus ke pejabat Poslaju Parcel Hub terdekat untuk diambil sendiri. Chat dengan HR kami untuk dapatkan penyelesaian. Ini bukan poslaju,ini adalah posxlaju, Assalamualaikum & selamat petang Tapi, belum sedia untuk dihantar ke penerima lagi. EP782193485MY Pihak yang bertugas baru saja scan kod bar yang ada pada bungkusan untuk masuk ke dalam sistem.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'bidadari_my-box-4','ezslot_7',157,'0','0'])); Bungkusan telah diterima oleh pihak pejabat pos utama. Tracking PosLaju. This indicates that the seller has just left your parcel at his/her nearest Poslaju office and the item has now got the barcode which has been scanned. Moreover, if the offficial website isn’t working, you can visit to know the whereabouts of your PosLaju parcel. Yes, you can pickup your parcel from Poslaju with the help of Ezibox. EHA253001414MY. RESPONSE, pos laju sekarang hampeh 5 hari ambil masa dari langkawi nk naik kedah tracking update lambat service lambat nk mampos menyesal guna patut tukar nama la pos labi labi ke pos kura kura ke senang orang tahu service memang lembab, Tak tahu lah apa problem pos laju sekarang lembap gila, kalau tak dulu dia lah yang paling laju. Or if you don’t have any idea about the parcel hub where your package is stuck, do let us know in the comments section. PosLaju Parcel Hub. Tracking PosLaju. Tracking Num: PL530030398034, Sila check barang saya lebih 1minggu barang x begerak erc 515549472my. Calculate your postage rate, send and track your parcel. I want to get a quotation. Enjoy free pickup, free flyers, special discounts and rates! peka dan ambil tindakan segera. da juga kes di mana parcel yang dihantar lambat tiba. Category Complaint In this Poslaju Parcel Hub, your item will now be sorted according to the delivery location and will be processed accordingly. Delete. VISION. Hi Poslaju, blh tolong check status EP741268087MY, pos pd 7/8/20 smpi sekrg blm smpi di hub klia.. biasanya pos harini, esok dh update dh ada kt hub klia.. Hi my parcel still in Hub from 4.8.2020 …Tracking number is this – PL679007012057….Please dispatch my parcel.I need it very urgent as Im doing business.The stock it finished .I need that parcel….Please take an action towards my parcel please. Ya, mudah sahaja cara untuk membeli secara online tetapi masih ada masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pelanggan terutamanya ketika menggunakan servis penghantaran yang ditawarkan oleh Pos Malaysia melalui poslaju. I know u guys r bz ther but we paid you guys for ur salary with d shipping charges…but y end up with u guys r super slow and stucks at Poslaju Parcel hub most of the times…. Kini bungkusan sedang diproses mengikut poskod alamat si penerima. Use the below given Pos laju Bangi location of Google maps to visit the center if needed. 09 Feb 2019 04:09 AM. Shida86 Send email : Apr 7, 2020 BARANG TIDAK SAMPAI. This is a common thing you will notice in all tracking information when you receive a parcel from Pos Laju. Card PM. Barang belum sampai? da juga kes … Jika ditakdirkan bungkusan anda lambat tiba, harap bersabar. Rates are based on the total actual weight or the total dimensional weight of all packages in a shipment, whichever is greater May I know the reason? I think better if we support other non government agencies as their provide better service than u n they r cheaper than u guys…so me like those other frustrated customers think we all better off support those non government agencies as they can provide better service than u guys…u guys somehow humiliate our country shipping agency not just within Malaysia but d whole world…people can see on line tracking & guys r doing very poor quality service n d worst out ther now…I can label u guys that….other agency have 1000 employees around Malaysia but u guys have 20 times more employees than them but they strive to deliver d best service n u guys show them u guys just take it easy on delivering our parcel.. Everyone in d world know that flight coming in are still limited so basically u guys have enough man power to handle our packages..s other private companies r dismissing their employees but they still managed to do a very good job….I guessed it’s better to fully privatised Poslaju rather than now…SEMI GOVERNMENT…bcs once privatised those yg MALAS will b dismiss…calling u guys hotline r near impossible for ages…i know bcs I’m 1 of those front liner who work during MCO n didn’t CUTI during that so basically I’m with d government itself n we work 7 days a week…so to Poslaju employees…pls dun humiliates our very own Malaysian shipping companies to those private companies…, P/s: My item was shipped out 24/6 n till now last updated remark for my item is still Poslaju KLIA HUB (within Malaysia shipment)….dun say u guys r bz… (n I dun know how it’s like to b bz) …I work from 4am till 1am everyday with d front liners under d hot sun n rain n barely rest (n not even getting paid extra for it)…so if u 1 2 know what bz is try, to b in my shoe b4 u guys say u r bz…pls do d delivery s I know some of these packages r very urgent to sum1 & in need for really fast delivery…, SUPPORT US SO WE WILL SUPPORT U GUYS in d future…, I’m agree with u bro 100% this company we can say about it “BAD N ANNOYING COMPANY”. It is also the nearby location where the parcel would be dispatched to your location. You can call POS Laju at +6 032 267 2267 phone number, write an email, fill out a contact form on their website, or write a letter to Pos Malaysia Berhad, Jalan Tun Sambathan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, 50470, Malaysia. Parcel sedang diprocess di bahagia pejabat pos (PO) atau Parcel Hub Pos Laju. 5. Tolong cek semula.. 3hari bekerja tiada pegerakan penghantaran.. brg urgent..mintak kerjasama Pos Malaysia. CD197015652MY nak tanya parcel yg bernombor EP564892794MY dari 14/7/2020 smpi skrg masih dkt hub.. kenapa x gerak2 ye? Anda hanya perlu pergi ke website utama milik Poslaju Malaysia dan masukkan nombor tracking. You can use this code to get your parcel from Ezibox’s locker. Thank you. Quote Reply. Maksud Disebalik Status 'Tracking' Poslaju, No.10 Tu Mesti Ramai Tak Tahu. pos laju mana2 branch ok je laju buat kerja. Determine Dimensional Weight. by Nazatul Jan 15, 2020 pada 3:04 PM Kategori: Trending Semasa Sponsored. Customer nak cpat ni jgn la buat org camni. Ini mungkin disebabkan ketiadaan penerima di alamat penerima. The item is now out for delivery from the nearest Poslaju post office. A lot of parcel are sent and received at Pos Laju Bangi center. PLEASE UPDATE MY PARCEL In such cases, you need to contact on the number given in the status or you can directly connect with the officials with this Poslaju contact number. Please update me the status of my parcel PL130684114604. Jika rosak bolehlah diberikan semula pada pihak Poslaju parcel hub untuk dihantar semula kepada si pengirim. 2.8. 11 Mar 2019 10:14 AM. POSLAJU TEAM MEMBER, What does item processed mean PosLaju? Item picked up ECBC. But at times, you need to wait for 1 more days if you get the below status! Becoming the number one courier service retail network & last-mile delivery network in malaysia. Item processed PosLaju Parcel Hub. Tracking.No: EN424066237MY Thank you. Parcel Monitor user from Malaysia 12 days ago. Status tracking pn tidak update…..terakhir dilaporkan pd 29/7/2020 (consignment dispatch out form transit office KLIA Hub), Barang saya dari 17/8/2020 sampai sekarang tak sampai, Last update 25/8, tolong la bagi kerjasama, PL587190969325 tolong lah update parcel saya, Assalamualaikum tolong check EHA225866794MY barang dah sebulan ni tak sampai sampai tolong hntr secepat mungkin kepada tuan dia kerana barang tu sangat penting terima kasih, barang saya dari 17/8 x sampai lagi..saya check barang saya masih dekat hub 19/8(last update) tracking saya ERC410250437MY..tlg kerjasama dari pihak pos laju..terima kasih. masih in transit, consignment dispacth out je. Hope you could take action on it. x. Semak Resume. Address: KM1, Jalan Tun Razak, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 2:30pm Sunday/Public Holidays : Closed This means that the receiving Poslaju office/branch has now received your parcel details and it will be dispatched soon from the original location to the destination. Better call the pos laju cs. my parcel still in Hub Poslaju PMK from 22 Jan 2013...huhu 22-Jan-2013 19:10:49 Consignment dispatch out from Transit Office HUB POSLAJU PMK 26-Dec-2012 21:36:39 Consignment dispatch out from origin station PPL Batu Caves 26-Dec-2012 19:13:28 Consignment received and processed from posting at Post Offices PPL Batu Caves This post has been edited by … The … Pos Laju Balakong Operating Hours, Location & Contact Number. This usually happens when the parcel is out for delivery but due to cut off time (end of working hours), the parcel will be delivered the next day at the earliest! It's here where they divide and conquer parcels via postcode for easier and faster delivery.
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