Fans believe the answer to that is Noah and Claudia. You are … They were only off by a few hours; the trailer dropped first thing on May 26, 2020. In it, a rash of children's disappearances around the German town of Winden starts an investigation, but what viewers uncover is a complicated story of four estranged families and a sinister time travel conspiracy which spans three generations. Surtout : qu’est-ce que ça lui a fait de se voir grandir dans la famille Nielsen ? The main antagonist of Season 3 at first appears to be an unnamed man with a cleft lip scar, who can be seen traveling through time and mysteriously killing people. The past doesn't only influence the future, the future also influences the past. Dark likes to jump around in time, but this was not an older Martha or a younger one. The handwriting on the letter from Martha that young Noah gives to Adult Jonas almost perfectly matches the handwriting on the letter that Detective Clausen showed to Aleksander during his interrogation. The 'Dark' Season 3 teaser gave fans some spoilers. 'Dark' season 3: This theory about Tronte's origins could be the potential missing link in Winden's complex family tree. During one scene, older Noah asks younger Noah, "Why do you think he named you Noah? Viewers' best guess is that Widen, the center of all the trouble, will have to be obliterated from the timeline. The fan theories go from the trio being Tronte Nielsen’s father to Jonas and Martha’s son. Dark - saison 3 TEASER VOST "Date de lancement" 1605 vues. Dark Season 3 will be the "The Last Cycle," according to the series producers. UPDATE : La troisième saison de Dark est sortie le 27 juin 2020. He said. When he starts questioning the Sic Mundus cause, young Noah tells him he's lost his faith, and proceeds to kill him. NEWS - Séries à la TV. Agnes' direct descendants are Martha and Magnus Nielsen; her great-grandson Mikkel fathered Jonas Kahnwald. L'apocalypse a bel et bien eu lieu le 27 juin If it starts moving through different universes, fans are going to break their brains trying to follow. Dark is already complicated enough traveling through linear time. In a scene where Jonas was with his father, Claudia appears saying that she saw the world without Jonas. Related 'Dark' Co-Creator Hints at Season 3 Plans and Whether or Not Every Mystery Will Be Solved This might be where alternate Martha comes from. ", the 'he' indicating Adam. Thank you to ALL THE DARK FANS AROUND THE WORLD! Warning: SPOILERS for Dark season 3. Dark Theories about Kim Possible That Change Everything - YouTube. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. However, it remains to be seen if she too is evil, or if she turns out to be on the side of good. If so, humanity will need to start all over, and for that, it needs Genesis, Adam and Eve. As confusing as Dark can feel sometimes, viewers have come to the consensus that it's a story about the end of the world, and the beginning of the new. Going into the final season, fans have a lot of theories. We don't exactly know everything that Adam has been up to during his timeline, only the bits and pieces that we get during other people's interactions with him. 8 Theories About 'Dark' Season 3 That Leave Us With More Questions Than Answers 1. The question is, who are Adam and Eve? ALERTE SPOIL DE LA SÉRIE /!\Très heureux d'enfin pouvoir de ma série Netflix préférée : Dark. Wait; what? Causing the apocalypse or stopping it? Redditor arnav1311 theorised about how the only way to untangle the mess that is the city of Winden is to get rid of it entirely. Dark Season 3 theories and plot: What will happen? If there's an Adam, it's only logical to assume that there must also be an Eve, especially if we build on the earlier theory that everyone is descended from Jonas' Adam. Let's hope Joans isn't picky. Season 3 makes multiple references to 1999's the Matrix and specifically the line "a glitch in the Matrix," which is meant to be that film's explanation for the sensation of deja vu. The existence of alternate realities is now known to us. Ce passage existe du fait de la courbure inhabituelle du t… Dark : avis critique, analyse, explications et théories avec spoilers sur la série Netflix qui joue avec le temps et nos cerveaux.Abonnez-vous ! What will Season 3 be about? Ce serait possible car la couleur des yeux correspond : bartosz et l’étranger ont les yeux vert/marron clairs tandis que Noah et l’étranger ont les yeux bleus clairs. Also, considering he's in love with Martha and resents Jonas, he also has the motivation to ruin Jonas' life. It is known from the final moment of the second season when someone similar to Martha came and told young Jonas that she is not from … That means the ending probably won't be open-ended. If we build on that theory, it suggests that Adam is actually the progenitor of every single main character - Noah fathered Charlotte Doppler with Elisabeth, who would go on to give birth to her own mother. Well, that's a lot of mind-bending theories, but unfortunately we won't know anything for sure until the third and final season comes along. Regardless, it’s likely that Season 3 will uncover the origins of his trauma. As for the time travel, one remarkable thing is that so far, Dark only goes backward. This was an exact-same-age Martha. Dark Season 3 will be the "The Last Cycle," according to the series producers. Dans ce dossier 100% spoiler, nous revenons sur les révélations majeures de la série TV , nous expliquons les choses pas nécessairement très claires à comprendre , tentons aussi d'avancer sur des théories pour la suite . Also, alternate Martha has dark hair, and so does alternate Magnus (according to promo pics), which could mean that in the alternate dimension, Ulrich ended up with Martha instead of Katharina, and Jonas wasn't even born. Un trou de ver (principe que l'on expliquait déjà pour Interstellar) est un "passage" rendu possible entre deux univers ou deux temporalités. Dark a tiré sa révérence avec sa saison 3 sur Netflix, mais depuis, les théories fusent sur Internet, les spectateurs imaginant une possible suite. AlternaMartha might be the real answer. Trio’s Role In Dark Season 3 (Fan Theories) With the introduction of the three new characters for the Dark season 3, fans have been going insane, speculating the possible roles of the trio in the final cycle. In the teaser for Season 3, fans know there is still one thing left to do: break the cycle. The second season, the latest of the series, gave us further insight into the convoluted family tree – but not so much. La rédac' en parle. Dark is the type of show that tends to give you a headache if you start theorizing about it. J’ai lu quelque part que certains acteurs avaient du porter des lentilles par soucis de cohérence, ce n’est sans doute pas … Martha, who had just been killed by Adam, walks in to comfort Jonas, who is grieving for her. While this could simply mean that Adam assigned names to all his people, it could also imply that Adam is Noah's father. Je ne sais pas si cette théorie a déjà été suggérée ici : et si Jonas était Noah – et – l’étranger qui prétend être Jonas était Bartosz !! Dark is a TV show with plenty of mysteries and, now in its final season, it also offers many satisfying explanations for its biggest questions - but with one exception: Torben Woller’s eye and arm injury. DARK est riche en termes compliqués. Which character comes last? This theory is possible because Joe mentions the pee jar a couple of times throughout season two, suggesting that he believes the evidence to be a threat. The question is, what is the ultimate goal they are fighting over? He is one of the few characters whose backstories has still not been properly explained. The basic: Time is not linear. Si vous voulez une explication dédiée à cette dernière saison, ainsi que notre avis sur la fin, consultez notre dossier d'explications dédié à la saison 3. Get latest News Information, Articles on Dark Season 3 Theories Updated on December 26, 2020 21:34 with exclusive Pictures, photos & videos on Dark Season 3 Theories at Mainly, we know he wants to create a world without time. If Martha is from an alternate reality, that opens up a whole new multiverse of possibilities. If Adam succeeds in a part of his timeline we haven’t seen yet, then this other world would already exist, because it exists outside of time. Aleksander Tiedemann's real name is actually Boris Niewald. Until then, all we can do is keep trying to figure out who's who, what's what, and when's when. Si on imagine que ce traumatisme est la principale raison, il peut très bien y avoir un autre secret encore plus obscure (coucou Noah) autour de ce suicide. Even if the apocalypse is somehow averted, something will need to happen to keep it that way. That means the ending probably won't be open-ended. 'Dark' Season 3 — and the in-universe apocalypse — are scheduled for June 27, 2020. And if there are two protagonists, an "Adam and Eve," then there must be corresponding antagonists. mardi 30 juin 2020. Yo les Biinges ☢️ À seulement quelques jours de la diffusion sur Netflix de la saison 3 de Dark, je vous retrouve enfiiin pour une chronique théories. Si vous voulez une explication dédiée à cette dernière saison, ainsi que notre avis sur la fin, consultez notre dossier d'explications dédié à la saison 3. As she tells Jonas, it's not "when" she's from, but rather "from what world.". Dark Season 2 ended on a humdinger of a twist. A popular fan theory is that season three will be from Love’s point of view. Thank you Netflix for trusting us! But sometimes, it's the best choice to make. In the course of the series, the horrifically scarred Adam reveals himself... 2. Ever since Netflix dropped Season 2 of the German science-fiction series Dark, fans have been wild for the third and final season. Though the show is initially set in 2019, with the end of the world only a few months away, it quickly spreads to include stories from 1953 and 1986. The theory opines that Bartosz is actually manipulating Jonas by pretending to be him, which is quite probable because we never see Bartosz in any other timeline. Time is an endless loop. Another theory that directly contradicts the first one is that the unnamed man at the start of season 2 is actually an old Bartosz. We always had three season in mind when we developed Dark and are happy to tell you that we will start shooting the third and final season in 4 weeks so we can deliver you guys the final chapter of Dark next year. Now, assuming that the alternate universe is the "world without Jonas" that Claudia mentioned, and possible even a world without time-travel, then it means that the Tiedermann lineage is 'clean' and free from time-travel fuckery of any sort. Possible mild SPOILERS from Season 3 set pics. Noah has suggested as much, telling Bartosz Jonas is just a pawn in a larger game, and Claudia notably says if she had known what she knows now, she'd have made a lot of different choices along the way. So one could assume that she is talking about the other dimension that Martha came from. A number of fans believe that, during season three, the jar of pee that Joe left at the Salinger estate will finally be found, helping to implicate Joe in the death of Peach (Shay Mitchell). Where is the beginning? This is mostly by necessity, of course. So based on the set pics, Bartoz exists in the alternate universe. Which character came first? These theories about Netflix's Dark Season 3 are only heightened by the show's premiere date being when everyone suspected it would be: June 27, 2020. The first season catapulted us into the time-traveling saga showing only glimpses of the convoluted family tree shared by the four families. This is possible as Bartosz travels back in time with Magnus and Franziska. Up until her sudden death in this timeline, fans were convinced the answer to Eve was Martha with Jonas as her Adam. Voir toutes les vidéos de la saison 3 . Winden will be removed from the timeline entirely.. Hopefully, by now you know what the hullabaloo around. She will be the main character and the voiceover will be her. Going by the handwriting, this could suggest that Martha sent it to Clausen to trigger the apocalypse for some reason. Prenons le temps en quelques lignes de mettre sur le papier quelques explications à ces sujets. Officially, there has been no detail about the final season of the series. It's also implied that Tronte was the illegitimate father of Regina Tiedemann, who gave birth to Bartosz. In the course of the series, the horrifically scarred Adam reveals himself to be an old Jonas. So if Noah and Agnes are Adams' children, then pretty much every single character is descended from Adam, making Jonas his own great-great-grandfather. But fans have a feeling, with multiverses opening up the possibilities of timelines where there is a future, Dark's characters will start moving forward to see them. According to some Redditors, his last name could likely be a combination of 'Nielsen' and 'Kahnwald', possibly making him the son of Jonas and Martha. Where is the end? However, we still have made some educated guesses based on tidbits revealed to the public. Conspiracy-minded viewers believed they knew when the last episodes would arrive: June 27, 2020, the date of the apocalypse. We are working on Dark Season 3. The apocalypse occurs on June 27, 2020, so back in time is where it's all happening. These Crazy Reddit Theories About Dark Season 3 Will Turn What's Left Of Your Brain Into Dust 1. On passe du coq à l'âne, du trou noir au trou de ver, du voyage dans le temps à la boucle temporelle. Adam is actually Bartosz and not Jonas.. Dark started in 2017 as a mystery set in the near-future of 2019. It's not an ideal outcome, erasing an entire town. Before you dive deep into Season 3, let's re-hash some of the most important connections on the show, of what we know so far. It is the final cycle of this great journey. As the new season of Dark season 3 is going to be aired tomorrow, I am presenting some of the Fan theories that I read on Reddit. Clausen also mentions that he received the letter from an anonymous source, and that it informed him that the mystery around his brother's disappearance could be solved at Winden. The hardcore fans thought the announcement would come on May 25, 33 days beforehand, since the show time-travels in 33-day increments. However, a major theory that several people on Reddit have been getting behind is that Adam is actually Bartosz. With theories for the third and final season flying around the internet, what is a confirmed spoiler for Dark, and what is still just hearsay? Considering original Martha got shot and killed however, we have to assume that Martha transformed into Eve at some point, travelling between world, through different timelines, and having a bunch of kids with Jonas/Adam. But leaked episode titles could confirm some theories ahead of time.
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