I approve this Seizure Emergency Care Plan for my child. January 2007; British Journal of School Nursing 2(1):16-19; DOI: 10.12968/bjsn.2007.2.1.22732. f H‰$Š± 0 0 31.5 16.5 re f 0 G Colorado Competency Framework for Asthma Care in Schools Asthma Specialist Competency Framework (2016 PDF) School Nurse Competency Framework (2016 PDF) Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP) Framework (2016 PDF) Forms 2018 Colorado Asthma Care Plan (PDF) Asthma Care Plan Instructions (2010 - DOC) 0 0.5 m 312.25 0.5 l s 1 g 0 0.5 m endstream endobj 735 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H‰$Š± Care needed to prevent seizure? Individual healthcare plan (IHP) for epilepsy (Microsoft Word document) 0 0 84.125 14.687 re 87.75 0.5 l 1 g Seizure Emergency Care Plan . Ô37U04Õ3U(JåJ H‰2THç2P0P0´0Ô32U04‘E©\i@Qw�Œ�©B.TÄÉá*æ0 ! 27 0.5 l 0 0.5 m s s H‰2THç2P0P04³Ğ32U04‘E©\i@Qw�Œ�©B.TÄÉá*æ0 5 192.25 0.5 l Request full-text PDF. Following the seizure action plan and administering first aid (including the use of rescue medications). f Annual estimates of the resident population by sex, age, race, and Hispanic origin for the United States, States, and Counties: April 1, 2010, to July 1, 2013. 1 g 0 0 132.25 15.437 re Here is the definition from Medscape of a seizure: “ a seizure results when a sudden imbalance occurs between the excitatory and inhibitory forces within the network of cortical neurons in favor of a sudden-onset net excitation” (source).. Basically, abnormal electrical discharges are occurring in the brain. If the school are aware the student has epilepsy, then this scenario might need to be discussed with developing a management plan. Every young person with epilepsy should have an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP), setting out information about their condition and the support they need to be safe and included at school. f 0 0.5 m This plan is typically completed by the healthcare team and includes parameters for emergency care in the event of a prolonged seizure as well as prescribed rescue medications and instructions for use. 0 0.5 m endstream endobj 761 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream : diet, sleep, devices etc.) Â0E÷ûwÔ%ÍK^c³Šİ\„‚›b[�V¨ş?4Ñår8÷'xzFq-%•ù«*¸à§+Îøb…Pr-õ_^ñ.í„£¡¹İOJp¹ÍB!Ş…Ô)£ëRTÚåÔCN´3vº§½Ğ.Ø à=Ò f f Sudden brief attacks with altered consciousness, sensory phenomena, and motor activity. f Seizure home care advice. 84 0.5 l endstream endobj 732 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Refer specific care documentation available on the department website. Emergency Medication Management Plan. 2 NCP (Nursing Care Plan) Seizure Disorders – Epilepsy Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Trauma/Suffocation. Seizure Action Plan from Dartmouth; They’re all fairly similar but you might just see one little detail that would otherwise be overlooked. f Epilepsy Foundation–Managing Students with Seizures for School Nursesexternal icon, Epilepsy Foundation–Seizure Training for School Personnelexternal icon, Epilepsy Foundation–Seizure Training for Child Care Personnelexternal icon, School Health Profiles and Practices Brief: Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders pdf icon[PDF – 1.72 MB], Take Charge: Classroom Epilepsy Education Programsexternal icon. The assigned school nurse (if applicable) should plan to provide scheduled in-service education to school personnel including teachers, clerical and bus drivers. f _____ 1. 1 g s You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. s Keep calm. An epilepsy care plan is a document that sets out what’s to be done in school if your child has a seizure, who is to do it and when they are to do it. 0 0.5 m School or daycare safety information. _____ 3. SEIZURE EMERGENCY CARE PLAN 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR GREENFIELD-CENTRAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION Student’s Name: _____ Date of Birth: _____ Student’s Address: _____ EMERGENCY(CONTACTS Name Relationship Telephone Email 1. Other parts will be filled with data already entered into your seizure diary. endstream endobj 756 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H‰2THç2P0P°0×37U04ѳ RE©\i@Qw�Œ�©B.DÄÎá*æ0 Ğ 2 NCP (Nursing Care Plan) Seizure Disorders – Epilepsy. endstream endobj 748 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 1 g 31.5 0.5 l If a nurse-delegated trained school employee is … The information provided below is intended to assist school personnel should a seizure occur during school hours. Medical emergencies can be complicated for children with special health care needs. f 0 0.5 m 2. 0 G 0 0 509.75 15.25 re Understanding the importance of medication adherence and supporting students who take daily medications. Use our downloadable toolkit to help you support pupils with epilepsy. The standard seizure first aid (PDF 118KB) is the default plan to manage seizures in education and care and must be followed unless a health professional or epilepsy specialist has advised otherwise and this is documented in a seizure management plan HSP340 (DOC 1.1MB). f s Epilepsy toolkit for schools. H‰2THç2P0P040Ò37U04ѳ RE©\i@aw�”�©B.TÄÉá*æ0 : Response to specific food, or excess caffeine Specify: Other Specify: DAILY TREATMENT PLAN . The development of a seizure action plan assists school personnel in the . These tips will help you care for your child when they have a seizure at home. 0 0.5 m 0 0.5 m Â0E÷ûwÔ%ÍK^c³Šİ\„‚›b[�V¨ş?4Ñår8÷'xzFq-%•ù«*¸à§+Îøb…Pr-õ_^ñ.í„£¡¹İOJp¹ÍB!Ş…Ô)£ëRTÚåÔCN´3vº§½Ğ.Ø à=Ò Weakness, balancing difficulties; Cognitive limitations/altered consciousness; Loss of large or small muscle coordination; Emotional difficulties; Evidenced by [Not applicable; presence of signs and symptoms establishes an actual diagnosis.] _____ I would describe my child's seizures as: Simple Partial -- Remains conscious, twitching or numb sensation, usually lasting less than 30 seconds. Nursing Care Plan for Seizure NCP - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This Seizure Care Plan will be updated/revised whenever medications or child’s health status changes, or at least every 12 months as a result of the collective input from team members. Tools to address these needs may be staff training; an Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP), developed by the registered professional school nurse; a 504 Plan and emergency measures to be taken in the event of a seizure. Â0E÷ûwÔ%ÍK^c³Šİ\„‚›b[�V¨ş?4Ñår8÷'xzFq-%•ù«*¸à§+Îøb…Pr-õ_^ñ.í„£¡¹İOJp¹ÍB!Ş…Ô)£ëRTÚåÔCN´3vº§½Ğ.Ø à=Ò Many times the cause is unknown. 93.75 0.5 l The Following is to be Completed by the Parent 0 0 192.25 16.375 re Complex Partial -- Altered consciousness, transient staring, feelings of unreality and detachment. (Versed) nasal spray: If student has seizure lasting longer than minutes while at school, & licensed School Nurse is not on site; a nurse-delegated trained school employee will administer Midazolam intranasal spray as above and CALL 911. I give permission for school personnel to share this information, follow this plan, administer medication and care for my child and, if necessary, contact our health care provider. f Epilepsy is recognised as a specific health care need requiring a clear support plan and training for school staff. To create an electronic plan, visit My Seizure Diary and click on My Reports and then the tab titled My Seizure Plan. endstream endobj 769 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Risk for seizures Care Plan Writing Help Online are care plans about behavioral changes or physical findings due to uncontrolled electrical discharges or firing from the nerve cells of cerebral cortex. Some seizures can look like staring spells while other seizures can cause a person to collapse, stiffen or shake, and become unaware of what’s going on around them. 93.75 0.5 l f f 31.5 0.5 l 0 0 312.25 16 re endstream endobj 760 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream s H‰$Š± DAILY TREATMENT PLAN Seizure Medicine(s) Name How Much How Often / When Additional Treatment / Care: (i.e. endstream endobj 733 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 770 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0 0 31.5 16.5 re H‰$Š± An Epilepsy Smart School is one that embeds inclusive, safe and educationally sound practices for all primary, secondary and special school students living with epilepsy. The school nurse often uses this SAP to develop an individualized and/or emergency care plan. s endstream endobj 749 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream It includes information on first aid, parent and health care provider contacts, and medications specifically for that child. Epilepsy is a common disorder of the brain that causes recurring seizures. endstream endobj 759 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 757 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Twice daily injections 2021 school action and management plan (PDF 618KB) Multiple daily injections 2021 school action and management plan (PDF 730KB) Insulin pump 2021 school action and management plan (PDF 1,104KB) Early childhood (EC) setting: Twice daily injections 2021 EC action and management plan (PDF 391KB) Witnessing a seizure can be very upsetting but it is also distressing for the student with epilepsy to know they have had a seizure in front of everyone, so it may need to be handled with care. endstream endobj 740 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 1 g Make sure that you revisit your child’s seizure plan annually as part of the IEP/504 process. H‰$Š± endstream endobj 762 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream endstream endobj 755 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0 0 31.5 16.5 re Visit the CDC Seizure First Aid website for information on how to help someone during or after a seizure. When seizure is over, allow student to rest. 0 G 31.5 0.5 l 0 0 509.75 16 re Notify school nurse ! Â0E÷ûwÔ%ÍK^c³Šİ\„‚›b[�V¨ş?4Ñår8÷'xzFq-%•ù«*¸à§+Îøb…Pr-õ_^ñ.í„£¡¹İOJp¹ÍB!Ş…Ô)£ëRTÚåÔCN´3vº§½Ğ.Ø à=Ò 509.75 0.5 l Rationale: Enables patient to protect self from injury and recognize changes that require notification of physician and further intervention. Care Plans submitted are valid for one school year. Seizures are the main sign of epilepsy and most people can control this with treatment. If you have a child who has cluster seizures, create a seizure action plan for their school or day care caregiver. Stay with student, speak gently, and help student get back on task following seizure. Name of Child: Date: Facility Name: Description of seizure condition/disorder: Describe what the child’s seizures look like: (1) what part of the body is affected? f f endstream endobj 767 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Seizure Action Plan. I assume full responsibility for providing the school with prescribed medication and devices. The seizure action plan should be reviewed and signed by your child's doctor and should include the following information: Detailed information about your child's epilepsy.
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