Our network of groups, services and advice lines are on hand to get you the support you need. Did anyone get answers in relation to setting up accommodation for 16/17 year olds that require supported accommodation. 2 •• Denbighshire Flexible Supported Housing Service – Rhyl Housing Housing for offenders • Nacro Traineeships Training for 16-18 year olds • Denbighshire Flexible Supported Housing Service – 27 NEST Housing for homeless single parents •• Denbighshire Flexible Supported Housing … Telephone: 0208 246 5200Address: Highland House, 165 Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1NEEmail: info@unitedresponse.org.ukWebsite: www.unitedresponse.org.uk. You can also contact a scheme directly if you think that they would offer the right service for you. Joint Procedure for the Assessment of Housing and Support Needs of Homeless or likely to become Homeless 16- and 17- year-olds REVISION DATES: 23/12/09, 9/1/10, 23/3/2010, 15/10/16 SCOPE: This procedure sets out the criteria for housing related support … I am interested in setting up a Supported Living Service for Care-Leavers (16 … If you stay in supported housing, you will have to pay rent. If they think you need supported housing, they have to arrange this for you. We also have two flats, for short-term (10 days) emergency accommodation for 16 – 17 year olds who present to the Housing … ask social services for a social care assessment. This often includes people with mental health problems. Housing should be affordable.Ideally, this means you would have to pay no more than 30% of your income for housing costs. What is YES! Therapeutic communitiesTherapeutic communities are groups of people that are focused on living together and supporting each other. They are monitored by a warden and sometimes have extra support staff. They can provide different levels of support, and a number of specialist services are available. If you think you need to stay in a crisis house, speak to the health professional you see most often. Find out how to get in touch online or by phone. You might come across the following types of supported housing: Floating supportFloating support services try to help by offering you support in your own home. Crisis housesIf you are in crisis you might be able to go to a crisis house. If you are 16 or 17 and are at risk of homelessness, or have nowhere to sleep tonight, you can access support at your local FindItOut Centre, get advice from your local district or borough council or contact one of our Youth Homelessness Prevention Team. You might get your own room, but if you go there in an emergency you may have to share. If you are already being supported by your CMHT, then they may be able to help. There are seven self-contained flats for young people who are leaving care or who are homeless and are aged 16 – 21 years old. Use your postcode to search your area. Do I need to register with the QCC - I know where I can get referrals. Then this site is for you! In an assessment someone from social services will decide what you need. Every young person has different housing … If you have a care coordinator, you could speak to them during your regular appointments or at a review meeting. You might have some problems with the supported housing you choose. To maintain the … Telephone: 0345 111 0000Address: Riverside, PO Box 2065, Liverpool, L4 4YXEmail: info@riverside.org.ukWebsite: www.riverside.org.uk. If you’re a 16 or 17-year-old care leaver and are homeless, the council will probably refer you to social services. If you feel that supported housing may benefit you, then you should talk to people involved with your care. 24 hours staffing with support to prepare young people for independent living. There are no standard charges for your care, but there is guidance stating that charges must be ‘reasonable’. You might be able to get help with the costs of living in supported housing. But the housing department must provide you with emergency accommodation until children’s services can find you somewhere to live. They provide a recovery orientated therapeutic community. Many of the activities are done as a group. Kingsley Hall is open to visitors and if you’re housed or supported by us. Or you can ask for an assessment from your local adult social care team. Home GroupThis group is a provider of housing, care and support services across England. There are different types of supported housing to help people with different needs. You can look for supported housing on the following website:www.direct.gov.uk. In addition to the pathways above, there is the 'chaotic pathway' of some 75,000 16–24 year olds who are likely to have been homeless in 2008. The hostel may try to help you develop the skills you need to live on your own. I just … If you have been detained in hospital on a Section 3 or certain other sections of the Mental Health Act 1983, you are entitled to free aftercare. Our supported housing, some of which are fully furnished, aims to support … For example, you might be having severe symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions. Sort out your finances. Support and Advice provided by Children's Services when your 16/17 and homeless. I have set up a community interest company, but the local authority now want to know how much ill charge per week for the support and the accommodation per resident. If you are on a low income, or claiming certain benefits, you may be able to claim Housing Benefit or Universal Credit to help cover your rent. These schemes are more common in some parts of the country than in others. Telephone: 0800 018 1261 or 020 7381 5888Address: Vox Studios (WG10), 1 – 45 Durham Street, London, SE11 5JHEmail (via website): co@cht.org.ukWebsite: www.cht.org.uk. They will give you support and be your landlord. West Sussex is now under national lockdown: stay at home. Between 16 … Their services are based around London and the South East. Many people with mental illness may have low incomes. The foyer provides safe and supportive accommodation for young people predominantly aged 16 … Telephone: 020 7481 7600Address: Standon House, 21 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AAEmail: info@turning-point.co.ukWebsite: www.turning-point.co.uk. Supported Housing/Living. They are usually for people who are homeless with certain needs. A good housing match is one that meets four key needs. The Salvation Army Housing AssociationThe Salvation Army runs supported housing across the UK for single, homeless men and women. Ask your care coordinator if you have one, for help with supported housing. You can see if they have any services close to you using the website below. Our mission is to deliver a better life for people severely affected by mental illness. Supported Accommodation for 16 to 24 year olds Bay6 - 6 bed emergency accommodation, individual self contained rooms with communal areas. For young people who are in care or are carer leavers and 16/17 year olds who are homeless, we can provide specialist advice and information about their rights and options. Support for young people in living independently and finding appropriate accommodation and employment. If you're aged 16/17 and become homeless, your local district council may refer you for an assessment of your situation … In this type of housing residents support each another, although some homes may have extra support from support workers. Are you a young person? To meet housing costs they may need additional financial assistance, like government-funded rental assistance or rental subsidies. But you might still have to pay for this. Association of Therapeutic CommunitiesThis groups produces a directory of therapeutic communities on their website. You may be charged for your rent and care separately in supported housing. They have services across the country. It might also help to call them with someone to support you. This will depend on your income and savings. You can usually find their contact details online. But you can get extra support in your flat if you need it. They can help with a variety of housing issues including homelessness, evictions, and disrepair matters. Rethink Mental IllnessRethink Mental Illness have some supported housing services in different parts of England. Registered in England Number 1227970. We ask that you do not attend if you … When you have found somewhere that you are interested in, you could either: If you choose to call the service directly there are a few things you might want to ask them, such as: You could try writing down everything you want to ask before you call. Youth Housing Project Association Inc. (YHP) provides supported, unsupervised, medium-term accommodation to young people aged from 16-21 years old who are homeless or at risk of … They offer advice on all aspects of housing, including supported housing and homelessness. The service might help you with things like: Floating support is often run by charities, and it may be paid for in different ways. Or do I have to go through the local authority. You can find their contact details in the Useful Contacts section at the bottom of this page. accessing care, local activities, education, training or advocacy. Group homesIn a group home you might have your own flat. Care workers might help you with things like household tasks, preparing meals and taking medication. There are lots of different organisations offering supported housing or advice. Housing should offer the right amount of inde… Social care – care and support planning by clicking, Social care – charging for non-residential services by clicking, ask your community mental health team, or. You can contact the organisations below for expert advice on housing. They offer short-term housing and are an alternative to going into hospital. Telephone: 020 7791 9800Email: housing@dls.org.ukWebsite: www.dls.org.uk/our-services/housing/. You might be under the Care Programme Approach (CPA). They have services across the country. Contact us on 0300 5000 927. Working in partnership with Health and Adult Services, Children and Young People's Services and other local housing support and accommodation providers, Scarborough Council deal with all 16-25 year olds through a Hub that is based at Foundation Housing. Supported housing combines housing with support services. You can call them on their advice line, or through their website. • Care Programme Approach by clicking here.• Social care assessment by clicking here.• Social care - Charging for non-residential services by clicking here. Sheltered housingIn sheltered housing you live in a block or group of flats. This is a framework used by the CMHT to plan your care. They have services across the country. ‘Crisis’ can mean different things. Registered Charity Number 271028. MINDThis charity run services across the country. Old forum user 06/12/17 Evening I am also looking to set up supported housing for are leavers. Carer's assessment - Under the Care Act 2014, Confidentiality and Information Sharing - For Carers, Friends and Family, Planning for the future - your relative's care and support, www.homeless.org.uk/search-homelessness-services, www.homegroup.org.uk/get-in-touch/get-in-touch-form/. The first UK-wide mental health and money advice service dedicated to supporting people affected by mental health and money issues. Having to pay more may make it hard to afford needs like health care, food or clothing. You can also search on the Homeless Link website at:www.homeless.org.uk/search-homelessness-services. You might think about supported housing if you are finding it difficult to manage in your own home and need more support. Telephone: 01905 334000Address: Sanctuary House, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3ZQEmail via website: www.sanctuary-group.co.uk/enquiry-formWebsite: www.sanctuary-group.co.uk. For information on your nearest local Mind, contact the Mind Infoline or search on their website. If you are not working with any health professionals, speak to your local authority adult social services team. The adviser will support you in finding somewhere safe to sleep that night as well as working with you and your family/carers to find a long term solution to your housing situation. • Welfare benefits and mental illness by clicking here.• Universal credit by clicking here.• Social care - Charging for non-residential services by clicking here.• Section 117 aftercare by clicking here. They have services in different parts of the country. can I apply directly? Supported housing schemes are usually run by local authorities, housing associations or voluntary groups. The aim of supported … RiversideThis is a large housing association with a range of supported housing services. For example, you might have individual and group therapy. There is often a waiting list for supported housing. Or you might be feeling suicidal or harming yourself. Disability Law Service (DLS)If you are eligible for Legal Aid DLS can provide free advice, assistance and full representation, including case work and appearing in court. Telephone: 01242 620 077Address: Waterfront , Kingsdown Road, Walmer, Kent, CT14 7LLWebsite: www.therapeuticcommunities.org. Telephone: 0121 522 7007Email: info@rethink.orgWebsite: www.rethink.org/services-groups. Besides a safe home, you'll get support with finding work, getting back into education, … Rethink Mental Illness Registered Office 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP United Kingdom 0121 522 7007 | info@rethink.org. Supported Housing provider for 16-25 year olds who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Solo Supported Accommodations: For Care Leavers (16 – 18 year olds) with Autism, ADHD, ADD, Conduct Disorder, Dyspraxia, Self-harming, Sexualised Behaviours, CSE, Learning Difficulties, Mental … Telephone: 0333 012 4307Address: 2 Witan Way, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX28 6FHEmail (via website): Customer.Services@advanceuk.orgWebsite: www.advanceuk.org. Residential Support for Young People Our Group Living Services in Bradford offer residential support for young people who are leaving care or in need of accommodation or are unaccompanied asylum … You can look for supported housing … This can include supported housing. Before you agree to go into supported housing, it is important to ask how your care will be funded. This section explains the different types of supported housing that may be available in your area. Who we help We work with … It is important to understand the different options available when making decisions about what is right for you. Telephone: 0800 970 6363Email: info@saha.org.ukWebsite: www.saha.org.uk. United ResponseThis group works in local communities throughout England and South Wales. But crisis houses are not in every area of the country. If you are 16 or 17 and are at risk of homelessness, or have nowhere to sleep tonight, you can access support at your local FindItOut Centre, get advice from your local district or borough … This website uses cookies to give you the best experience. You can ask your care coordinator about supported housing, if you have one. You normally have your own bedroom but will share other areas. You can contact us on: 0117 317 8800 (and enquiries@1625ip.co.uk) if you have any questions. You might be able to get supported housing through a social care assessment from your local authority social services. Housing Support. It is unclear whether this is within the law. You can get more information on therapeutic communities from the Association of Therapeutic Communities. View our latest information and advice about coronavirus. Brisbane Youth Service is a registered Tier 3 housing provider under the National Regulatory System - Community Housing. Can also give advice if you are not eligible for legal aid. The local housing department or your local community mental health team (CMHT) should be able to tell you about supported housing projects in your area. For others you might need to ask a health professional or social worker for a referral. You will support yourself in your flat. • Essex Move On Housing support • Essex Young People’s Partnership (EYPP) Mid Housing provision for 16-25 year olds • Essex Young People’s Partnership (EYPP) South Housing provision for 16-25 year olds 17 • Conwy Floating Support Housing support • Conwy Supported Housing Housing … Turning PointThis group offers supported housing for people with substance misuse issues and mental health problems. If you need help, then we can search online for you. Or you might have your own bedroom, but share a living room, kitchen and bathroom with other people. Housing? They have services across the country. If you’re homeless and aged 16 or 17, you'll need to apply to social services for help. However, no matter which one of our supported housing services they live in, staff will always support young people to work towards their goals and build their confidence for the future. Their services include small residential care homes and supported housing. The cost of supported housing is often split into charges for rent as well as charges for care. In our supported housing, we help vulnerable 16 to 25-year-olds develop the life skills you need to live independently. But they are sometimes funded differently. You may get a support worker. Our supported housing schemes. … YES! This will depend on your income, savings and capital. Such as a relative, carer or friend. Short-stay hostelsShort-stay hostels offer housing for a short time. Referrals to the service come from Lancashire County Council and District Housing … Seniors and supportive housing. Telephone: 0808 800 4444 (open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday)Website: www.shelter.org.uk. They may ask you to pay towards the cost of home help. Telephone: 0300 123 3393Address: 15-19 Broadway, Stratford, London, E15 4BQEmail: supporterrelations@mind.org.ukWebsite: www.mind.org.uk. Or you can call the General Enquiries number. Your local authority will have its own policy on how they fund supported housing services. You might get one bill with both the rent and care charges. Housing support for young people Housing costs will be available to 18 to 21-year-olds under Universal Credit to make sure young people from all backgrounds can get a job and progress … We have listed some of these below. Community care or home helpWhen social services offer you help at home this is called ‘community care’ or ‘home help’. This is called ‘section 117’ aftercare. You should be given accommodation and some financial support … ShelterShelter is the leading housing charity in the UK. Their schemes include supported housing. For example, some schemes might help you in your own home. Housing issues are a specialist area of law, and you may need expert advice. AdvanceThis is a charity that offers housing, support, employment and other services for people who have a mental health problem. This is done through case planning and advocacy that is totally unique to you, so you are supported … Telephone: 0345 141 4663 (customer service line open 7am-8pm (Monday-Friday) and 8am-12 noon (Saturday).Address: Head Office, 2 Gosforth Park Way, Gosforth Business Park, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8ETEmail via website: www.homegroup.org.uk/get-in-touch/get-in-touch-form/Website: www.homegroup.org.uk. Sanctuary Housing AssociationThis charity offers housing services. This can help people to live as independently as possible. This means that you should be left with a minimum amount to live on after paying the charges. Social services will do an assessment to see how much help you need. You will usually need an interview before being accepted. There are different types of supported housing, which offer different levels of support. do you support people with mental health conditions? Are a pregnant young woman aged 18-25 (16-18 year olds will be considered with Social Services acting as guarantors) or teenage parent with a baby up to one year old; Are a homeless family; Are an ex-offender. Housing (Youth Externally Supported Housing) helps young people aged 15 – 25yrs who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to access and maintain stable, longer term housing with added support to develop independent living and tenancy skills. You can find the details of hostels in your local area through your local authority or you could ask your care coordinator if you have one. We assist homeless young people and young families to find and maintain safe, stable accommodation and to develop the skills needed to maintain their own property. They could find you a place in a hostel, foyer, shared house or find you a foster carer. The local housing department or your local community mental health team (CMHT) should be able to tell you about supported housing projects in your area. They aim to help people with special needs to live independently. Some local authorities may charge you rent even if your care is free of charge under section 117. You can self-refer to some crisis houses. 16 or 17. They will probably have spent time in the private and social … When you phone, an adviser will ask you about your current situation and will also need to talk to your family or carers. Kinlee Terrace Campbellford Non-Profit Housing … TogetherThis group works in the community, hospitals and prisons supporting people with severe and enduring mental health needs and their carers. Supported housing schemes are usually run by local authorities, housing associations or voluntary groups. This website will redirect you to the relevant page on your local authority’s website. Telephone: 020 7780 7300Address: Together for Mental Wellbeing, 52 Walnut Tree Walk, London, SE11 6DNEmail: contact-us@together-uk.orgWebsite: www.together-uk.org. They may ask you to pay some of the cost of your care. Information on where and how to get support if you’re 16-17 and at risk of being homeless. Other schemes might offer shared housing with support workers or therapists. Paradise Independent Living (PIL) supported living accommodation is primarily targeted at adults at risk between the ages of 18-65 years old. They can also signpost you to local housing organisations in your area. Shared lives schemesIn a shared lives scheme, you live in someone else’s home. This can help you remember to ask everything you need to know. If you move into one of these flats you can stay for up to two years. Transitional living services include, Circles of Support, Preparation for Adult Living (PAL), Education and Training Vouchers (ETV), College tuition and fee waivers, Extended Foster Care, and other related services and support of young people 16 to 21 or up to 22 years … Exeter Foyer is set in the heart of Exeter offering an integrated solution to housing, personal development and training needs for young people. Making a difference: Supported lodgings as a housing option for young people Ref: ISBN 9781409805427 PDF , 650KB , 63 pages This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Community Housing and TherapySupports people with complex and severe mental health conditions including personality disorder, psychosis, and trauma to live more fulfilled lives. This will depend on your income, savings and capital. Child Welfare Housing Programs Not Using Chafee Room and Board Funds
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