What is the world record for. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (30) It is illegal to be part of a group or movement which actively and vocally condone Nazi policies and viewpoints. And when can you shoot a Scotsman? True. Since it's debut in 2015, Hamilton has become one of the biggest musicals of all time. True or False? By The Newsroom. Updated Monday, 24th December 2018, 2:49 pm. True or False Quiz Questions and Answers. Limes float, lemons sink? 50 fun quiz questions. More . Can you carry a plank? Click to see the correct answer. True. False . Weird UK Laws, Weird Laws from around the world, weird funny old laws, crazy British Laws we just forgot about so here are 14 Weird British Laws That Everyone Thinks Are True Each question is a simple multiple-choice ‘true or false’ question … Spell. 3. en-1. Quiz: Bizarre Scottish laws '“ true or false? Hi Weekly Quiz, I am running a charity quiz night and I need some true or false quiz questions so I can run a heads and tales game. Can you get more than half of these "true or false" questions correct? True or False General Knowledge Quiz about Animals. True! True or false trivia questions are a great introduction to your next quiz, because it means people have a 50% chance of getting them right. False. 1. Great trivia game! True; False; Mexico is south of the equator. 3. From the biggest extremes to the strangest comparisons, here are twelve of the most unusual facts you'll learn today, all from It Can't Be True 2! Truth's Advice Corner Truth answers all of your deepest life questions. True or False? B. Learn. 20 True or False quiz questions that will get you second guessing yourself, these fun facts will blow your mind. True or false they're folklore we all love. ! The rounds are 'general knowledge', 'weird and wonderful' (this one's a bit kooky), 'true or false', 'one-letter answers' and finishing off with the good old quiz classic 'science and nature.' Simply have a go at our questions about (some of) the world’s most unusually-named places. Build a Library and We'll Guess Which Historical Woman You Are. 12 Unbelievable Facts That (Believe It Or Not) Are True! False (it been broken by close to 1,500 male athletes) True (in 2003, and he also declined a CBE) False (he had two - maths and art) True (20p coin - 9 June 1982, pound coin - 21 April 1983) False (it stands for Kenyon Produce, and the company was founded in 1853 as Kenyon & Son) 'True or False' Quiz Questions II True or False: Engine Edition. 1. In a world as wide and wild as ours, things are bound to get a little weird. 14 Weird British Laws That Everyone Thinks Are True. 0 Shares Strange sex facts are a great way to show your smarts in, well, very few situations. There are plenty of categories to choose from in the world of quiz, but a simple true or false round gives everyone a chance of getting a few questions right. Apr 17, 2019 - Play "true or false?" 18 May 2015 by Macy Cate Williams. WORLD By: Bambi Turner. Match. The first tea bags were made of silk material. STUDY. And even your not so deep, silly and weird ones too! Quiz Questions: The best rude quiz questions and answers QUIZZING has become a regular fixture for Brits during the coronavirus lockdown. 1. This tricky quiz promises to baffle users with ten difficult true or false questions from science to entomology, and its creator claims no one has ever managed to get completely right. Are these UK laws true or false? by Mateo56 Plays Quiz Updated Dec 11, 2019 Is it legal to be drunk in a pub? Flashcards. Which of these food quiz questions statements are true? True or False Questions and Answers. B. True. Write. Hi Kevin, hope you are well. But they are also full of quirks that many people might not know. PERSONALITY. False! True; False; The highest mountain in the UK is Snowdon. Take this quiz to find out! 4 Min Quiz Image: shutterstock ... Can You Guess If These Weird American Laws Are Real? The Royal Family are not allowed to play Monopoly .
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