british airways hotline for former staff
. Always looking for ways to make it better for staff. Answers are not case sensitive and spaces are ignored so if you set the answer for your first school as “Greyfriars” you can later answer as “greyfriars” “grey friars” “grey Friars” etc, as they will all be accepted. The Council, however, makes the selection and appointment decisions itself and has indeed de-selected ‘sitting’ members. As a Former Employee who is not Eligible for Staff Travel Concessions, can I book Hotline Tickets? BA staff can save up to 30% in the USA with Alamo Gold. British Airways staff protest in Epsom over rehiring and potential job losses - recap. The members of the Council bring with them a wide spread of experiences, backgrounds and knowledge. British Airways stewardess will be advised if there are passengers with any special requirements e.g. Working for British Airways was interesting and engaging. However former staff who served a minimum of 10 years & are no longer eligible for staff travel concessions can subscribe to the BA Clubs Former Staff Hotline programme by registering on the website, see the website for more … If you do not enter a valid User ID and password you will be denied access. The original aim of the programme was to retain some travel benefits for former employees. Setting up the security questions means that if you forget your BSAFE password you will be able to renew it yourself online by following the ‘don’t know your password’ link on the BSAFE login screen. A valid User ID is one that is registered to a staff / former staff member with active Staff Travel eligibility. On Sunday, Emirates operated its first flight staffed only by pilots and cabin crew who have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. The application process is strictly confidential, all applicants will be visited by a BA appointed case-worker who will complete the means-test application form with them, and it will be necessary to provide at least two quotes for the cost of each of the items or services for which help is sought. Your User ID is your staff / pension number prefixed with ‘u’ (lower case) and any leading zeros should be excluded eg staff number 012345 would be user id u12345. Six British Airways cabin crew are facing the sack after spending a sleepless night in a New York 'brothel'. name of first school, mothers birth place, etc. Only former staff with active staff travel concessions are able to log on to this website, as the primary purpose of the site is to facilitate online Staff Travel administration and booking. However former staff who are no longer eligible for staff travel concessions can subscribe to the BA Clubs Former Staff Hotline programme by registering on the website. You can obtain a Password by calling IT Support on +44 208 562 4000, the line operates 24 x 7. Help may be in the form of money, goods or services. Is Hotline Restricted to just Staff Travel Nominees? Can a Widow/er of a Former Staff Member with active Staff Travel Concessions apply for an ID Card? Since then, the programme has been expanded to include access to Altitude Plus (also known as Perks at Work), an online shopping portal that offers … If you have questions on how to change your date of travel, your destination or get a voucher to use at a later date, please see our COVID-19 advice and information page.. The newly entered password will then become your ‘Bsafe Password’ & will last for the next 90 days (all passwords expire after 90 days) when you will be prompted to choose another new password, and so on. BA believed in growing from within and making you stretch yourself while providing the best customer service possible. Evidence from the past years has demonstrated that any supposed entry barrier has been lowered and a much wider cross section of retirees have come forward to make the Council a much more representative and broader group of people. ... Former Employee - Contact Centre Agent ... British Airways Apprentice Daniel has been nominated for an Above and Beyond award by our CEO, Alex Cruz. Email (Outlook Web App OWA) > Your ESS Applications > Old SharePoint Intranet Sarah Everard: Body found in woodland confirmed as missing woman, Boris Johnson visits Northern Ireland amid unionist tension, Labour MP Margaret Beckett apologises over 'silly cow' remark, The Mash Report: BBC satirical comedy cancelled after four years, Dickie Bird on shielding through the Covid-19 lockdown, Write down the answers exactly as entered and keep in a safe place. Good team leaders and senior staff except managment. If you have active staff travel concessions but are not in receipt of an APS/NAPS pension you can update your details through Employee Self Service on, Any information in a white box can be updated and once you have made your changes click on. NOTE: This website and email will be live from November 2020, in the mean-time there is no website & the contact email is bawelfare& which will become redundant once the new email is active. For former employees whose staff travel concessions have ceased - use Hotline by joining the BA Clubs programme at just £30 per year. Stacey and Joe chatted with the children before they jetted off on a British Airways jumbo jet destined for Orlando where the kids will visit Harry Potter World and swim with dolphins at SeaWorld. I was just wondering is there still a chance of being upgraded on What is Employee Self Service (ESS) and how do I access it? (calls charged at local rate) Automated system available 24hrs: Agents available daily: 06:00-20:00. Hotline for Formers was originally designed to cater for changes to the staff travel programme for former employees that came into effect in 2014. 13. 3. When you access the website for the first time you will be prompted to choose another password and enter it twice, then set up some security information. When you set up the security information you have to choose 7 questions from a list of 20 – these questions have been selected as easy to remember the answers, as they are historical therefore will not change e.g. Dreamflight, London Heathrow, Sunday 27 October 2019 (Image Credit: British Airways) Founded in 1986 by former staff members Patricia Pearce MBE and Derek Pereira, Dreamflight raised funds to charter a BA 747 to fly children with a serious illness or disability to Orlando. To access the booking system you will need to get a BSAFE password as per Q6 above. To use ESS you will need to log on to ‘’. 0344 493 0787. 5. Sarah Everard: Body found in woodland confirmed as missing woman, Boris Johnson visits Northern Ireland amid unionist tension, Labour MP Margaret Beckett apologises over 'silly cow' remark, The Mash Report: BBC satirical comedy cancelled after four years, Dickie Bird on shielding through the Covid-19 lockdown. 9. … otherwise call ITS on 0208 562 4000 and they will reset the password for you provided you can answer the security questions correctly. If you are eligible to book Hotline via ESS on you can view information regarding eligibility & restrictions by selecting the Former Staff FAQs link on the home page then entering ‘I’m retired staff, can I make a Hotline booking’, otherwise you will find details of eligibility & restrictions relating to the BA Clubs Former Staff Hotline programme by visiting If you subsequently forget the password you can reset it online without the need to call ITS provided you have already set up your security questions…. New recruitment is by a selection process which permits the best candidate(s) to be selected. If IT Support are unable to give you a password because your staff number is not in the system you should report this by email to the Staff Travel team at quoting your staff number and service details, & they will check your eligibility. - Was set up more than 30 years ago as the group that BA formally consults with on all matters affecting BA pensioners and former/retired employees- BA has committed to listen and respond to the Council’s views; in addition, the Council has the right to raise any issue of concern it has with BA- Works alongside BATUC on matters that concern both current and retired employees- Has a formal constitution agreed with BA- Has up to 12 volunteer members, all pensioners themselves, from different parts of BA with a wide variety of experiences, skills and knowledge of the airline. Provided by the StaffTraveler community. Yes, you can… in fact this is the only way to make a booking. The answers to each of the 7 questions must be different, so avoid two questions that would have the same answer. 15. NB If your former staff ID card is more than 3 years old you will also need to enclose an up to date ‘passport-style’ photo. Thus, recruitment was changed to a selection process. If you don't have a BSAFE password, or have difficulties logging in, please contact the BA IT Service Centre on+44 020 8562 4000. 7. We think and act collectively for and on behalf of all retired employees. British Airways PlcPeople ServicesAustralasia GAWatersidePO Box 365HarmondsworthUB7 0GB. Notes on: Baggage, Dress code, Listing, Check-in, Boarding, Upgrade, Special, Visa, Website There is a delay of 24 hours until the updated details will show in your staff travel booking list. Also answers don’t have to be true, so if you don’t know the answers you can make them up, however it’s important that you remember the answers that you gave as if you forget your password in the future you will not be able to reset it, either online or by phone, unless you can answer all 7 questions correctly, ie with exactly the same answers as you gave initially. Our Alamo Gold package offers fantastic savings if you're hiring a car in the USA, and with up to an additional 30% off for BA staff this is an unbeatable deal. You can find information on all ESS topics, including how to use the online booking system for staff travel, by selecting the ‘Former Staff FAQs’ option, listed under ‘Helpdesks’ on the home page of – just enter the question topic into the search box and the information will be displayed. The Heathrow-based airline says it has to adapt to survive the pandemic but … Staff Travel can only be booked online and to get access to the self-service booking system and the supporting databases and procedural information you will need to have access to as per Q5 /6/7 above. To qualify for a Retired or Former Staff ID Card you must have active staff travel concessions, as the purpose of the card is solely for identification when using staff travel. The British Airways Benevolent Fund is a charitable trust set up to alleviate hardship and improve the quality of life of current and former employees and their dependants. No need, the date of joining that is shown for former staff in the staff travel system is not the actual joining date but a calculated date that represents length of service. This date is called the notional date of joining (NDOJ). However, retirees voted in small numbers and the cost was excessive when set against its actual effectiveness and the huge waste of unreturned ballot papers. if you want to make them easier to remember. No need to refuel in the USA! Once the formalities are complete the application will be reviewed, on its individual merits, by a group of six Trustees. After the change in BA staff travel policy I lost my staff travel but I still get the new Staff Hotlines. I believe I am eligible for Staff Travel as Former Staff, how do I get started? So if you are looking for a BA career as airport ground staff, check this article.. Are Former Staff eligible for Cargo Concessions? For further information visit the Fund’s website, or email enquiries to How do I notify British Airways of Changes to my Personal Details? special meal requests, passengers who may have accessibility or communication challenges, wheelchairs, VIPs, frequent flyer passengers, number of infants requiring infant seats are just a few considerations before boarding Where can I find information regarding Staff Travel or other Employee Self Service (ESS) procedures? - Has up to 12 volunteer members, all pensioners themselves, from different parts of BA with a wide variety of experiences, skills and knowledge of the airline. You will need to download & print an ID Application Form from Employee Self Service on, on the home page select ‘How can I get an ID card’ which will display all the information you need to make an application together with a downloadable application form for completion. British Airways | Executive Club - BA Former Staff Hotlines (and related upgrade question) - Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me with this. British Airways is a company I enjoyed working for; I miss the people, the challenges and growth potential. Queries regarding Hotline bookings should be emailed to the "Hotline Helpdesk" team, accessed via the 'Travel' section of the BA intranet or on the home page of the former staff intranet site. If, having set up your password you subsequently forget it, as long as you have set up your security questions you can reset it yourself online, just follow the ‘don’t know your password’ link …. Please contact us if you need to speak to us directly. Your User ID is your staff / pension number prefixed with ‘u’ (lower case) and any leading zeros should be excluded eg staff number 012345 would be user id u12345. All other frontline staff involved in making the flight happen and who could come into contact with passengers, including check-in staff, gate agents and even security officers were also fully vaccinated against the novel Coronavirus. 16. Flight BA1306 left Heathrow this … A British Airways flight to Aberdeen has been forced to land at Manchester Airport after a medical emergency onboard. NB. BA staff Alamo Gold offer. Freinds in this article you will get information about British Airways careers for ground staff. Half of the Council have been staff representatives, some long standing and with senior TU roles. A number of retirees have asked “just who are you?” and “where did you come from?”. 11. The airline is the second largest UK based carrier, based on fleet size and passengers carried, behind easyJet.In January 2011 BA merged with Iberia, creating the International Airlines Group (IAG), a holding company registered in Madrid, Spain. How do I set-up or change my Security Questions? If you are able to logon successfully you will see a menu of Self Service options which include booking Staff Travel on BA and other airlines, booking Hotline flights and holidays, updating your personal details and nominations for staff travel, online check-in, and viewing embargo information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The British Airways Former Staff Liaison Council - Was set up more than 30 years ago as the group that BA formally consults with on all matters affecting BA pensioners and former/retired employees - BA has committed to listen and respond to the Council’s views; in addition, the Council has the right to raise any issue of concern it has with BA The form may be scanned and returned to the committee secretary for processing. Important message. You can apply for a new ID card or renew / replace an existing card that has expired, is lost or has been stolen, or where the photo on the card is no longer a true likeness. Check your flight status (arrivals and departures) Telephone: 0344 493 0777. which will display all the information you need to make an application together with a downloadable application form for completion. If you subscribe to BA Clubs or any BA affiliated social group such as the RSA you will need to advise all changes to them directly, as due to data protection security BA will not pass details of any changes on to them. British Airways supports the process to ensure that the assessment and selection is run to the highest standards of fairness and equality. If you meet the qualifying criteria, i.e., have active staff travel concessions & are in receipt of a BA Pension or aged 55 plus, you can apply for a Retired ID card using the process detailed in Q3 above. Booking Hotline through is restricted to staff & former staff & their widows/widowers with active staff travel concessions. (calls charged at local rate) Daily: 06:00-20:00. Hotline for former BA staff. Listings can be made on flights operated by British Airways, and on applicable British Airways partner airlines. We have members who have retired from flying, engineering, finance, marketing, commercial, ground services, corporate HR and purchasing. How do I apply for a Retired or Former Staff ID Card? If you haven’t set the security questions up you need to call IT Support to reset the password. To qualify for a Retired ID you must in addition be in receipt of a BA Pension or aged 55 +. Up until many years ago there was indeed a ballot for vacancies on the Council. Any former staff who wishes to volunteer to join the council may do so at any time during the year. 10. Pros. If you’re a qualifying former BA employee, would you like access to discounted shopping, offers and scheduled flights? If you have active staff travel concessions but are not in receipt of an APS/NAPS pension you can update your details through Employee Self Service on, on the home page select Concessionsonline then select ‘Update Personal Details’. And British Airways, like many of its competitors, has had to take extraordinary steps - furloughing more than 30,000 staff and borrowing £300m from a Bank of England support fund. Opening times: Monday – Sunday 07:30 – 22:00. An opportunity to develop individually as well as a team, Pecos River was life altering for me. Selection also allows some minimum standards to be set and the best candidates to be selected. 14. An application form may be obtained from and requires two fellow former staff to propose and second. Can British Airways help when former staff experience financial hardship? Any information in a white box can be updated and once you have made your changes click on Submit. My Joining Date is wrong in my booking, how can I correct it? No, currently British Airways does not issue a photo id card to widows and widowers of former staff. If you have questions on how to change your date of travel, your destination or get a voucher to use at a later date, please see our COVID-19 advice and information page.. You can obtain a Password by calling IT Support on +44 208 562 4000, the line operates 24 x 7. To log on to ESS google ‘’ and enter a valid User ID and Password into the login screen. Hundreds of children got to meet X factor winner Stacey Soloman and former Eastender Joe Swash as they attended a supercharged send-off at Heathrow for Dreamflight 2017.