logan hospital wards

Hospital services. Hand hygiene data are provided by state and territory health authorities for public hospitals and by individual private hospitals. 0000051432 00000 n 0000062100 00000 n The Logan Regional Behavioral Health Unit offers a therapeutic setting for treatment of such problems as acute depression, incapacitating anxiety and severe thought disorders. Psychiatric unit/ward - A specialised unit/ward dedicated to the treatment and care of admitted patients with psychiatric, mental, or behavioural disorders. The procedures with the greatest average annual decrease were, There was an average annual increase in admissions for. Waiting times for elective surgery can vary depending on: In the data visualisation below, you can explore waiting times for elective surgery by peer group and clinical urgency category. The length of time waited by patients on public hospital elective surgery waiting lists before being admitted for surgery between 2015–16 and 2019–20. Cost per NWAU adjusts for the factors that increase hospital costs to allow comparison. The data are derived from audits of hand hygiene moments that are conducted continuously over three reporting periods each year. 0000119640 00000 n Intensive care unit (level III) - A specialised facility dedicated to the care of paediatric and adult patients requiring intensive care and sophisticated technological support services. Waiting times are presented at national, state and territory, LHN, and hospital level. In the data visualisations below, you can explore 50th percentile waiting times for admissions for neoplasm related principal diagnoses (or other principal diagnoses) by specialty of surgeon, and over time for patients with a lung, bowel or breast neoplasm-related (cancer) principal diagnosis by hospital (noting hospital and LHN data only available for 2011–12 and 2012–13). The information about services provided by a particular hospital is intended as a general guide only. delivered under the management of or informed by a clinician with specialised expertise in palliative care. An emergency department (ED) presentation occurs following the arrival of the patient at the ED, and commencesat the point of being registered or triaged. The data visualisation below presents elective surgery waiting list additions, removals and admissions by state and territory between 2015–16 and 2019–20. Explore the number of presentations to Australia’s public hospital EDs between 2015–16 and 2019–20 in the data visualisation below. Maternity Inpatient Ward - two visitors at a time, during visiting hours (8am - 8pm), ensure physical distancing. ... After graduating and following a six-month rotation in both medical and surgical wards, nursing graduates are then placed in any available position. In response to COVID-19, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care promoted greater emphasis on using audit data to inform local quality improvement activities, and made Audit 2 (1 April to 30 June), 2020 voluntary for data submission. 0000065890 00000 n 0000051170 00000 n Information on 11 categories of surgical speciality is presented. The data visualisation below provides a list of selected services provided by individual hospitals, including specialised care units, in the 2018-19 reporting period. Two measures for ALOS are presented: Performance indicator: Average length of stay for selected AR-DRGs. Perform surgery 4. Young wanted to explore what happened to patients treated in Casualty once they were taken away to the hospital's surgical wards. Hand hygiene in hospitals generally refers to the washing of hands or use of alcohol-based rubs by healthcare workers. Waiting times are presented at national, state and territory, LHN, and hospital level. In the data visualisations below, you can explore admissions from elective surgery waiting lists by: There were relatively large decreases in admissions for Varicose veins treatment  (29.5%) and Myringotomy (25.5%). Renal transplantation unit - A specialised facility for renal transplantation. Bone marrow transplantation unit - A specialised facility for bone marrow transplantation. Confidence intervals indicate the reliability of the estimated rate and are calculated using data provided by hospitals. Hutchies was delighted to work with Metro South Hospital & Health Service to bring a much-needed expansion to the Logan Hospital's sub-acute care ward. The time within which 50% of patients with a principal diagnosis of: Hospitals account for a large share of the funds Australia spends on the health sector each year. a “Moment”) and yet no HH was undertaken. 0000015617 00000 n increased for all public hospital peer groups. The newborn is admitted to, or remains in hospital without its mother. 0000065180 00000 n it included any specialised psychiatric care. 2018–19, and by hospital, between 2011–12 to 2018–19. Anaesthetics; Cardiology; Ear Nose Throat; Emergency Medicine; Endocrinology; General Medical and Surgical Services; Gynaecology; Mental Health; Neurology; Obstetrics; Orthopaedics; Paediatrics; Palliative Care; Renal Dialysis 90% of ED presentations were completed within 7 hours and 30 minutes, and 50% were completed within 2 hours 56 minutes, 90% of patients who were subsequently admitted spent more time in the ED (11 hours 27 minutes) than patients who were not admitted (5 hours 35 minutes), 69% of patients had their care completed within 4 hours, for patients subsequently admitted to the same hospital, less than half (46%) of ED presentations were completed within 4 hours. An ‘average’ public hospital service is worth 1 NWAU. The waiting time is calculated as the time between arrival at the ED and commencement of clinical care. Distance to main referring hospital(s) Princess Alexandra Hospital 18km. alcohol-based handrub) to the surface of the hands (HHA, 2019). The COVID-19 pandemic affected many areas of people’s lives, including their use of health services such as hospitals. Nursing home care unit - A facility dedicated to the provision of nursing home care. Melbourne: HHA. © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2021. Appendix information is available to download in the Info and downloads section. Not all private hospitals report data and reported data may not be representative of the sector as a whole. 0000236865 00000 n 0000062674 00000 n The indicator procedures with the greatest average annual decreases were, the overall time within which 50% of patients were admitted (median waiting time) was 39 days, and the time within which 90% of patients were admitted was 281 days, about 2.8% of patients waited more than 365 days for their surgery, the 50th percentile (median) waiting time waiting time for patients admitted from waiting lists for, increased overall from 38 days to 39 days. http://metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/logan-hospital. One way to assess hospital efficiency is to see how much money each hospital uses in comparison to its peers to provide specific treatments or procedures. 0000250917 00000 n In the visualisation below you can explore information on the cost per NWAU, Total national weighted activity unit, and Percentage of private patients over the three-year period from 2012–13 to 2014–15 by hospital in each state and territory. 0000063852 00000 n Liver transplantation unit - A specialised facility for liver transplantation. Appendixes and caveat information is available on the About the data page. 0000104491 00000 n This section presents information on the type of elective surgery provided, by surgical speciality in 2019–20 and changes between 2015–16 and 2019–20. A friend at work delivered 6 mths ago said they were gr8 ( emergency c) Another friend was ther 6 yrs ago and they were terrible...The wards r 4ppl though! evidenced by an individualised multidisciplinary management plan, which is documented in the patient’s medical record, which includes negotiated goals within specified time frames and formal assessment of functional ability. Manage labour (obstetric) 2. 62% of ED presentations were for people living in. It also highlighted the importance of good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of disease. Logan Hospital - Renal Dialysis Unit in Meadowbrook, 4131, offers the following services - Nephrology service. If the confidence interval includes the value of the benchmark 80%, then that figure is considered to have met the benchmark. Comparisons with this audit period should be made with caution. Previous reports can be accessed in the Reports section. A SAB case that is identified by a laboratory as being caused by a S. aureus strain that is sensitive to commonly used antimicrobials (methicillin-sensitive) is referred to as MSSA. SAB can be acquired after a patient receives medical care or treatment in a hospital. 4 0 obj <> endobj episode end time and physical departure time, as depicted in Figure 1. the proportion of MSSA cases increased from 78% to 82%. The nationally agreed benchmark set under the National Healthcare Agreement (NHA) is no more than 2.0 cases of healthcare-associated S. aureus per 10,000 days of patient care for public hospitals in each state and territory. 0000058831 00000 n 0000151184 00000 n Cassie Forsyth and Liam Sayer are busy on the wards of Logan Hospital, helping raise awareness about the importance of good nutrition in hospitals. In the data visualisations below, you can explore elective surgery waiting times by: In 2019–20, for the top 25 intended procedures: Between 2015–16 and 2019–20, for the 15 indicator procedures: Patients with a cancer-related diagnosis often require more urgent admission from elective surgery waiting lists than patients awaiting surgery for other conditions. Prior to 2017–18, newborn episodes involving unqualified care were routinely excluded from national reporting on the basis that they didn’t meet admission criteria for all purposes. Due to the lack of comparability of clinical urgency categories between states and territories, these data are presented for each state and territory separately. 0000059258 00000 n Antimicrobial resistance occurs when some of the bacteria that cause infections resist the effects of the medicines used to treat them. 0000002442 00000 n The browser you are using to browse this website is outdated and some features may not display properly or be accessible to you. 0000138322 00000 n Between 2015–16 and 2019–20, the waiting time of 50% of patients: Between 2015–16 and 2019–20, the 90th percentile waiting time: Between 2015–16 and 2019–20, the proportion of patients who waited more than 365 days to be admitted: When a patient is placed on the public hospital elective surgery waiting list, a clinical assessment is made of the urgency within which they require elective surgery (the clinically recommended time). There is the potential for some omissions or errors in this information and readers should contact a hospital directly for the latest advice on the services available. Newborns receiving care may have both ‘qualified’ and ‘unqualified’ days. SAB infection rates over the past 5 years have remained stable, from 0.79 cases per 10,000 patient days in 2014–15 to 0.75 in 2018–19. Data for public hospitals are provided by state and territory health authorities. See the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare’s website for more information on hand hygiene moments. Not too many people can say they received a clinical guard of honour on arriving at hospital... but Beenleigh's Hazel Campbell was a star last week as the first patient to arrive in Logan Hospital's new medical medical ward. Confidence intervals are used to assess whether or not the compliance rate for the sample of moments meets the benchmark. In the data visualisation below, you can view the ALOS by selected medical procedures, by state and territory, and by type of hospital (peer group). Hand hygiene is a key element of a comprehensive suite of initiatives to prevent and reduce healthcare-associated infections in Australian healthcare settings. 0000064922 00000 n Comprehensive epilepsy centre - A specialised facility dedicated to seizure characterisation, evaluation of therapeutic regimes, pre-surgical evaluation and epilepsy surgery for patients with refractory epilepsy. Logan Hospital – Refurbishment of Ward 2G /Planning Unit is a construction project based in Meadowbrook QLD within the Commercial sector. These can be used to calculate the waiting times for 50% and 90% of patients, as well as the proportion of patients seen on time. 3.8% of admissions from public hospital elective surgery waiting lists (28,300) were reported for people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin who represent about 3.3% of the Australian population. When a large number of moments are audited, the confidence interval will be narrower, indicating there is more certainty regarding the true rate. 91.0% of hospitalisations were classified as episodes of, 4.1% of hospitalisations were classified as episodes of as, 3.1% of hospitalisations were classified as episodes of as, 0.7% of hospitalisations were classified as episodes of as, the most common principal diagnosis (at the 3-character level) reported for same-day acute hospitalisations was, the most common principal diagnosis (at the 3-chartacter level) reported for overnight acute hospitalisations was, there were almost 308,000 newborn hospitalisations, the majority of these (83%) occurred in public hospitals, newborns with at least one qualified day accounted for 24% of all newborn care hospitalisations—25% of hospitalisations in public hospitals and 22% of hospitalisations in private hospitals, the most common diagnosis for newborns with at least one qualified day was, overall, 95% of newborn hospitalisations had a separation mode of, hospitalisations for qualified newborns decreased by an average of 7.2% per year for private hospitals and by 4.9% per year for public hospitals (most of these decreases reflects changes in the assignment of qualification status in New South Wales between 2017–18 and 2018–19), overall, the number of hospitalisations for, females accounted for more than half (57%) of all, Indigenous Australians had lower hospitalisations rates for, there were over 48,000 hospitalisations with a care type of, neoplasm-related (cancer-related) conditions accounted for 53% of principal diagnoses reported for, the most common non-neoplasm-related principal diagnoses for, for private hospitals, the majority (78%) of, females accounted for more than half (58%) of all, Cure illness or provide definitive treatment of injury, Relieve symptoms of illness or injury (excluding palliative care), Protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury which could threaten life or normal functions, Perform diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, delivered under the management of or informed by a clinician with specialised expertise in rehabilitation. 0000065766 00000 n The National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) has been in operation for ten years, supported by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, and since 1 November 2019, the Commission has coordinated and supported all aspects of the NHHI. 109m Logan Hospital Ward 2G 113m Cairns International Terminal 113m Logan Hospital Special Care Nursery Hospital Additional restrictions apply for some wards, these include: Birth suites - two support persons per birth, 24 hours a day. For example, a typical case of cellulitis might be assigned 0.7 NWAUs, as this condition requires fewer hospital resources than, for example, a typical knee replacement, which is assigned 4.0 NWAUs. An episode of Acute care for an admitted patient is one in which the principal clinical intent is to do one or more of the following: Rehabilitation care is care in which the primary clinical purpose or treatment goal is improvement in the functioning of a patient with an impairment, activity limitation, or participation restriction due to a health condition. In addition to reducing the likelihood of transmitting viruses such as COVID-19 or influenza, good hand hygiene is a key first line defence to prevent or reduce hospital-acquired infections, including Staphylococcus aureus (‘golden staph’) bloodstream infections (SAB). Acute renal dialysis unit - A specialised facility dedicated to dialysis of renal failure patients requiring acute care. 0000061966 00000 n 0000053956 00000 n When only a small number of moments are audited (for example, those associated with particular healthcare worker types), the confidence interval will be wider, indicating there is less certainty regarding the true compliance rate. 0000171822 00000 n 23% of ED presentations were for patients living in areas classified as being the lowest (most disadvantaged) socioeconomic group (371 presentations per 1,000 people). 0000011399 00000 n 33% of admissions were for the 15 indicator procedures. Waiting list statistics for intended surgical procedures can indicate performance in particular areas of elective surgery. 0 In a hospital, good hand hygiene is important and there are particular occasions when the risk of transmitting disease is increased. This section presents information on Newborn care provided for 2018–19. Between 2014–15 and 2018–19, admissions increased, on average, by 2.1% per year, however, in 2019–20, admissions from waiting lists was 9.2% lower than 2018–19, due to cancellation of non-urgent elective surgery. Acute spinal cord injury unit - A specialised facility dedicated to the initial treatment and subsequent ongoing management and rehabilitation of patients with acute spinal cord injury, largely conforming to Australian Health Minister’s Advisory Council guidelines for service provision.