travel regulations for dod contractors

or Home Address: [insert complete street address, city, state, and zip code. This short treatise will touch on some of the similarities and differences of regulatory travel requirements for government employees versus government contractors in the areas of air travel, hotel accommodations and car rentals. For contractor supervisory/managerial positions insert GS-13]. See U.S. Government Car Rental Agreement #4 Here, what is meant by “car rental” is the typical rental from a commercial company for a temporary period of not more than a week or two. PGI 225.74�DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES The contracting officer shall provide the following information to the applicable overseas contracting office (see PGI 225.7401(a)(v) Pop-Up Window, PGI Viewer Mode): ____ (1) The solicitation number, the estimated dollar value of the acquisition, and a brief description of the work to be performed or the items to be delivered. airlines Contractor Privileges: [Note the following list is provided for sample purposes only. This is probably because hotels located in other sovereign nations are not subject to the regulatory requirements of a U.S. agency. ____ (2) The availability of technically qualified and properly trained Government civilian and/or military personnel to oversee the performance of the contract in the combatant commander�s area of responsibility (e.g., contracting officer�s representatives, quality assurance representatives, property administrators). COR management affirms that the COR will be afforded necessary resources (time, equipment, (a) In accordance with Joint Publication 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, at, the geographic combatant commander or subordinate joint force commander, through his command authority to exercise operational control, has the authority to exercise control over the assignment of contract administration during contingency operations, consistent with the combat support agency�s established mission functions, responsibilities, and core competencies, for contracts requiring delivery of items or performance within the area of operations. ��������������������������� (1)� (4) Contracting officers contemplating requesting contract administration support in a contingency area from a combat support agency should first ascertain whether such a memorandum of agreement exists by contacting their combat support agency point of contact and or checking the combatant commander operational contract support website (referenced in DFARS PGI 225.7401 Pop-Up Window, PGI Viewer Mode). This includes leaving the day prior and/or departing the day after events. [Insert appropriate exchange name] Exchange service facilities (includes rationed items). (1) Travel arrangements shall be planned in accordance with the Federal Travel regulations, prescribed by the General Services Administration for travel in the conterminous 48 United States, (hereinafter the FTR) and the Joint Travel Regulation, Volume 2, DoD Civilian Personnel, Appendix A, prescribed by the Department of Defense (hereinafter the JTR). DSSR 030 Government Contract City Pair fares are not available to Contractors. Military members and DoD Civilian personnel can book official travel and manage travel expenses. 2. While many of the regulations regarding the use of U.S. flag carriers or code shares are the same for both government employees and contractors, there is a notable difference. rental cars (5) The following is a notional format for a memorandum of agreement for contract administration services support; (A) Purpose: Outline formal procedures for requesting contract administration services support, describe objectives associated with combat support agency providing such support. § 1353: Acceptance of Travel and Related Expenses From Non-Federal (b) In certain contingency operations, the combatant commander or joint force commander may promulgate theater or joint operations area guidance for contracting that may include establishing�. m. Deployed Performance Period: [provide the estimated deployed performance dates]. (1) Acceptable for delegation - contract types that will be accepted by the combat support agency based on risk, dollar threshold, geographic dispersion of performance, service type, criticality of acceptance, or other criteria; (2) Generally not be delegated � below-threshold contract types; (3) Will not be delegated � no agency expertise to oversee. Safety. Purchase of petroleum and oil products for rental and/or Government vehicles. PGI 225.7403 Antiterrorism/force protection. Government contractors have to abide by many of the same regulations, though not all. Commissions PGI 225.74�DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of October 19, 2007, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of October 25, 2007, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of November 26, 2007, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of December 20, 2007, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of February 26, 2008, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of September 15, 2009, Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of November 5, 2009, Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy memorandum of June 29, 2010, Theater Business Clearance/Contract Administration Delegation (TBC/CAD) (6) For additional information: Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, ASD(SOLIC); telephone, DSN 227-7205 or commercial (703) 697-7205. (i) May include U.S. citizens, U.S. legal aliens, third country nationals, and local nationals; (ii) May be employees of external support, systems support, or theater support contractors, as defined in Enclosure 2 of DoDI 3020.41; and. Open Skies Agreement (European Union – 29 countries) The implementation of the Fly America Act for government employees is predominately in the form of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) under the subsection Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) and the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) as well as the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR). It is unlikely that DOT would approve a code share agreement that is not in line with U.S. policy (for example between Delta and the embargoed Cuban airline Cubana). (ii) Comply with any theater business clearance/contract administration delegation requirements (which must be consistent with the combat support agency�s established functions and responsibilities) set forth by the geographic combatant commander during declared contingency operations for all solicitations and contracts that relate to the delivery of supplies and services to the designated area(s) of operation. Domestic travel for medical treatment is excluded from the ban. Subchapter A - Introduction. c. Military clothing sales for repair and replacement of issued equipment. under �Publications�, or at Contracted effort is in consonance with in-country commanders� plans; ��������������������������� (3)� Regulation constantly changes, however, it is hoped that this short treatise will be helpful in understanding the current differences and similarities in regulatory travel requirements between government employees and contractors. (iv) Transportation within operation area; (vii) Organizational clothing and individual equipment; (i) A Letter of Authorization (LOA) is necessary to enable a contractor employee to process through a deployment processing center, to travel to, from, and within the theater of operations, and to identify any additional authorizations and privileges. (b) When using the clause at DFARS 252.225-7040, Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany U.S. Armed Forces Deployed Outside the United States, consider the applicability of the following clauses: (i) The clause at DFARS 252.225-7043, Antiterrorism/Force Protection Policy for Defense Contractors Outside the United States, as prescribed at DFARS 225.7403-2. You do not need to complete a declaration form for overseas travel. policy as set forth in OSD policy letters linked to this PGI, and specific theater business clearance/contract administration delegation instructions as implemented by USCENTCOM�s Joint Theater Support Contracting Command and found under contracting guidance at (click on CENTCOM area of responsibility). (b) between any two points outside the United States The LOA must include the name of the approving Government official. FAR 31.205-46(a) MIL-STD-882. Therefore, it is likely that the GSA would recognize all code share agreements as part of reciprocity between the agencies of the USG. It could be argued that it applies to government contractors as well, but only in sections where the applicability specifically indicates that it is addressing a wider audience. Exploring the issue of code shares more in-depth, it is worthy to understand if the GSA recognizes all code share agreements between U.S. flag carriers or only some. § 117. compliance _____(12)Other requirements associated with contractor personnel to include deployment-related training, accountability (registration in Synchronized Pre-deployment and Operational Tracker), medical and dental qualifications, theater entrance and country clearance requirements. For group travel, agencies are expected to obtain air passenger transportation service that is practical and cost effective to the Government. When authorized, per diem shall be paid by the contractor to its employees at a rate not to exceed the rate specified in the travel regulations cited in FAR 31.205-46(a)(2) and authorized in writing by the Government. (2) The memorandum of agreement should take into consideration the combat support agency�s core competencies, workload priorities, and contract administration services support parameters for accepting requests for contract administration services support. (Some agreements may be classified and must be handled appropriately.). The implementation of the Fly America Act for government contractors is predominately in the form of the CFR and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). MEMORANDUM FOR [insert name and address of military organization with the authority to provide Government-provided support where the contractor employees will be deployed], SUBJECT: Contractor Letter of Authorization [note: much of the information contained within this Memorandum is similar to the information contained in travel orders for Government personnel]. (1) Contract clearance parameters � when required; (2) Contract delegation parameters � when required. FAR Subpart 45.101: Government Property, Definitions V. FAR 45.509-2: Use of Government Property W. DoD 4500.36-R: Management, Acquisition, and Use of Motor Vehicles X. communication Gifts and Decorations from Foreign . This applies to service members, DOD civilian personnel on government-funded travel, and their families. (v) The clause at DFARS 252.237-7019, Training for Contractor Personnel Interacting with Detainees, as prescribed at DFARS 237.171-4. Allows the combatant commander to exercise control over the assignment of contract administration (which must be consistent with the combat support agency�s established functions and responsibilities) for that portion of contracted effort that relates to performance in, or delivery to, designated area(s) of operation. As previously addressed in our Alert of March 16th, the DOD ban on civilian business travel may impact the performance of contracts, and contractor inputs necessary to … The widest difference in travel regulation is in rental cars. E-Gov ARC (c) When a combat support agency is tasked by the combatant commander to provide contingency contract administration services in support of contingency operations and such support will be required for a long duration, the combat support agency shall initiate a memorandum of agreement with the combatant commander or joint force commander.