wawf invoice acceptance

The document is routed from the Vendor to the Acceptor, then to the LPO if there is one, before it ends at the Payment Office. From Energy Invoice - InspectBy DoDAAC/Ext. WAWF Mobile for Inspectors and Acceptors enables acceptance via small, hand-held devices, either using live wireless connections or periodic updates. Template - List of Invoices: Invoice Number. The Service Approver/Acceptor does not take action. WAWF is the government’s web-based system for accepting, processing and distributing the DD250. Performance Based Payment - FAR 32.1003: Criteria for Use, FAR 52.232-32: Performance Based Payments. The Commercial Energy Invoice enables a Vendor to submit the same information that would otherwise be submitted in a paper invoice. WAWF was known as PIEE until release 5.6.0 in 2014 when the name was changed to Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer(WAWF). Cost Voucher (FAR 52.216-7, 52.216-13, 52.216.14, 52.232-7). Template - List of Energy Invoices: Invoice Number. This training is an excellent place to begin learning about WAWF. Financing documents provide advance and interim financing for payments not associated with specific delivery of goods or services. The DCAA Auditor may view the document, but has no role in processing it. From Energy Invoice - List of Energy Invoices. Select this CheckBox if you wish to create an Invoice 2-in-1 using a previously created document. Project Name: Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) Approved By: Prepared By: Approved By: X Aimee Ivey The Final Cost Voucher: The Service Approver/Acceptor takes action before it is routed to the Payment Office (via an LPO for One Pay if required). You start by submitting your Invoice and Receiving Report by using WAWF in The iRAPT system Government entity that requested product or services receives, inspect and accepts products and enters information into WAWF. receiving report). The Cost Voucher is used for fees and costs incurred during contract performance. AAI: Agency Accounting Identifier. WAWF Invoice Status Reason Codes umn. Non Procurement Instruments (NPI) Voucher. The Grantee (Vendor role in WAWF) populates the voucher from form SF270. For more information, see other WAWF Invoice Types (full site). The Energy Receiving Report will flow to inspection and acceptance. Delivery Order which was entered in previous page which you are creating the document against. Search for documents which are located in both the Active and Archive database. When the Template CheckBox is checked, and you enter an Request Number, and documents are found, you are presented with the list of documents to choose from, and must select the Radio Button of the document you wish to use as the Template. Cost Voucher - FAR 52.216-7: Allowable Cost and Payment, FAR 52.216-13: Allowable Cost and Payment-Facilities, FAR 52.216-14: Allowable Cost and Payment-Facilities Use, FAR 52.232-7: Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-How Contracts. Only U.S.Dollar currency is accepted. The Government assesses the contractor's progress on the contract through periodic reviews using the customary progress payment rate, cost base, and frequency of payments. WAWF is the system that allows DoD to reach its e-invoicing goals and reduce interest penalties due to lost or misplaced documents. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Shipment Number from a previously created Energy Receiving Report Document. Requests for payment are usually billed in several installments over a period of time ("interim") and ends with a "final." If the From Energy Invoice Check Box is checked, you are presented with, and may enter the InspectBy DoDAAC and Ext. EBS/EEBP will provide a response that will identify the acceptor of record for inclusion on the WAWF … Invoice 2-in-1 - FAR 32.905: Payment Documentation and Process. An incorrect line of accounting data is cited. These vehicles are non-procurement instruments. OTHER permits the receipt of items at a location other than Source or Destination. The Payment Office uses the Receiving Report in conjunction with an associated Invoice or Multiple Shipment Invoice to approve payment. Select a value in this dropdown if you want to create an Invoice using some type of Receiving Report document. i.e. If you select the From DropDown and click the Continue button, will be presented with a list of documents to choose from if any exist. Click this button to return to the previous page. The Government Payer (who is a Payment Official under DFAS) uses WAWF to: - Electronically process the non-EDI documents to authorize payment through an electronic payment system - Review, accept, process, reject, or suspend documents EDI Guide Appendix T Version 6.3 November 2019 … Foreign currency is not accepted The Misc. Click this button to continue to the next page. For all other pay office using either 2-in-1 or COMBO shouldn't matter. The 2-in-1 creates a single Invoice/Receiving Report from one data entry session. F-102 Applicability. Jacksonville, FL 32202 . Stand Alone Invoice - FAR 32.905: Payment Documentation, and Process and Fast Pay Invoice - FAR 52.213-1: Fast Payment Procedure. Since the invoice Pay Voucher. WAWF TRAINING. For all other pay office using either 2-in-1 or COMBO shouldn't matter. ... the related Invoice may not be certified by the same user. Financing documents provide advance and interim financing for payments not associated with specific delivery of goods or services. • WAWF is a web-based application that allows Contracting Officers or Contracting Officers Representatives (CORs) to perform Goods Receipt and Acceptance on delivered goods and services. Pay DoDAAC which was entered in previous page which you are creating the document against. In cases where government acceptance is not required, such as for Fast Pay contracts, the Receiving Report may still be used as a packing list and the printed form of a WAWF Invoice. Select this CheckBox if you wish to create an Invoice using a previously created Invoice. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Invoice Number from a previously created document. Applies to Inspection and Acceptance of: - Receiving Report - Purchase Card Receiving Report - Micro Purchase Card Receiving Report - Commercial Invoice 2n1 Currently WAWF uses the AAI acronym to identify all Accounting Station Identifiers and route acceptance data to the appropriate accounting system. When the Template CheckBox is checked, and you enter a Request Number, and documents are found, you are presented with the list of documents to choose from, and must select the Radio Button of the document you wish to use as the Template. The Vendor inputs contract and item data once. WAWF passes it to the Grant Approver at the Post Award Office, then on to the Pay Office for processing. Credit Invoice - FAR 32.604(c)(1): The Credit Invoice is a contractor's request to liquidate the debt against existing unpaid bills due the contractor. The Receiving Report will flow to inspection and acceptance. Multiple Energy Receiving Reports may be associated with a single Energy Invoice. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Request Number from a previously created Document. Wide Area Workflow is a secure, Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt and acceptance. Financing documents flow from the Vendor to the Contracting Office for acceptance, then to the Pay Office for processing. The LPO has the ability to break the Line Item into Sub-Line Items prior to certification. Financing documents provide advance and interim financing for payments not associated with specific delivery of goods or services. Search for documents which are in the Archive database. Header - Commercial Invoice 2n1 (Services Only) The Header Tab is the first tab used on a WAWF document. Source/Destination/Other: SOURCE Inspection or Acceptance points identifies government quality assurance is performed prior to product shipment. WAWF is a web-based application that allows Department of Defense vendors to submit and track their invoices, receipts and acceptance documents all electronically. An invoice is received prior to a service period. 861 Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate (From Navy ERP/ILSMIS to WAWF) Version 6.3 . receiving report). The Combo is a time-saving document type that also reduces data entry error. Once a shipment is marked received it starts the 30 … When the Template CheckBox is checked, and you enter an Voucher Number, and documents are found, you are presented with the list of documents to choose from, and must select the Radio Button of the document you wish to use as the Template. More information available upon registration. Reference Procurement Instrument Number that was entered on the previous page. Reference Document WAWF . WAWF Vendor Invoice Directions.docx - View Get Started Normal Paragraph Microsoft Word AaBbCc Heading 2 Styles Title 4aBbCc. The contract will contain specific payment clauses. Invoice and Receiving Report(Combo) - FAR 32.905: Payment Documentation and Process, DFAR Appendix F: Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DFAR 252.246-7000: Material Inspection and Receiving Report The Invoice 2-in-1 and COMBO both represent an Invoice and an associated acceptance/approval (i.e. The list includes the Invoice Number, Status, Currency Code, and the database. Select this CheckBox if you wish to create a Construction Payment Invoice using a previously created document. Commercial Invoice Workflow The graphic above provides a depiction of the workflow of a WAWF Commercial Invoice with an LPO in the workflow. submission of an invoice/cost voucher in WAWF-RA. Non Procurement Instruments is used to request funds for the following vehicles: Grants, Cooperative Agreements, TIA (Technology investment Agreements), and OT (Other Transactions). The Direct Bill is routed directly to the Payment Office (via an LPO for One Pay, if required). Combo 1. Contract Number which was entered in previous page which you are creating the document against. It is routed through inspection and acceptance before it goes to the Payment Office for approval (via LPO if required). From - Energy Invoice From Energy Receiving Report *. In WAWF, almost always needs a Receiving Report created in conjunction with it Times where stand-alone Invoice can be submitted: Navy tuition assistance program Instances where receipt and acceptance of goods are not needed Role involvement with Invoice LPO action (if applicable) Integrity - Service - Innovation 10 The Invoice and Receiving Report Combo enables a Vendor to create two documents from the same data entry session. Performance Based Payments (PBP) are contract financing payments made after achievement of predetermined goals, such as performance objectives or defined events. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Shipment Number from a previously created document. Notification of your registration status will occur 1-2 weeks prior the class date. The 2-in-1 Invoice is normally submitted for service contracts that have no supply deliverables. Two separate documents - an Invoice and a Receiving Report - are generated in the WAWF system. For all Users: WAWF Web-Based Training Site - Go here to learn how to use WAWF via self-paced, online training. The Energy Receiving Report (also called a Stand-Alone Energy Receiving Report or Material Inspection and Energy Receiving Report (MIRR)) is created for direct submission to the government Inspector and/or Acceptor listed on the contract. Go here to register for classroom training -. The COMBO is 2 separate documents and should be used for supplies when submitting to MOCAS for payment. If You Change the RR, You must Change the Invoice As Well DFAS Helpdesk 1-800-756-4571 WAWF Helpdesk 1-866-618-5988 First Line of Communication is Your DCMA ACO WAWF POCs: Shared Contractors: DCMA Admin Office (Block 7 of Contract) Select this CheckBox if you want to create an Invoice and Receiving Report(Combo) Fast Pay. Stand Alone Energy Invoice - FAR 32.905: Payment Documentation, and Process. How does WAWF work? The Vendor inputs contract and item data once. The Invoice 2-in-1 and COMBO both represent an Invoice and an associated acceptance/approval (i.e. Click the Contract >> Link to return to page for entering Contract Information. 4. In addition WAWF allows the printing of a RR that can be used as a packing list or when a signed copy is required. Pay Voucher flows from the Initiator (Vendor or the government) to the Acceptor, then to LPO (Local Processing Office) and Pay Office. ** For questions, contact the DTRA WAWF Team at wawfhelp@dtra.mil ** (b) Definitions: Acceptor: Contracting Officer’s Representative, Program/Project Manager, or other government acceptance official as identified in the contract/order. IN-FORUM Leave Web Moorhead Golf 9 https:\\l,val,vf.eb.mil\ GFEBS processes Goods Receipts and Acceptance Sent via interface with the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) system. If the business process calls for it, the document has the ability to flow from Vendor to Inspector to Contracting Office (WAWF Acceptor role) to LPO to Pay Office. Select this CheckBox if you wish to create an Commercial Item Financing Invoice using a previously created document. [Note: The Contractor may use a WAWF “combo” document type to create some combinations of invoice and receiving report in one step.] The LPO and Pay Office have the capability in WAWF to recall the Misc. Progress Payments are payments made based on the cost incurred by the contractor as work progresses under the contract. Select a value in this dropdown if you want to create an Energy Invoice using some type of Energy Receiving Report document. Requests for payment are usually billed in several installments over a period of time ("interim") and ends with a "final." Financing documents flow from the Vendor to the Contracting Office for acceptance, then to the Pay Office for processing. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Invoice Number from a previously created Invoice Document. Y-Yes for Final Voucher, or N-No for not Final Voucher, default is N. Y-Yes for Shipbuilding, or N-No for not Shipbuilding, default is N. Grant Voucher - DoDGARS 32.22: Payment, DoDGARS 33.21: Payment, DoDGARS 34.12: Payment. b. wawf-ra is a workflow managed software application that ENABLES VENDORS TO SUBMIT AND TRACK THEIR INVOICES AND RECEIPT/ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY VIA THE WEB. The Invoice 2-in-1 (Services Only) document is normally submitted for service contracts with no supply deliverables. The contract will contain specific payment clauses. Search for documents which are in the Active database. Template - List of Documents: Invoice Number. When the Template CheckBox is checked, and you enter a Shipment Number and Invoice Number, and documents are found, you are presented with the list of documents to choose from, and must select the Radio Button of the document you wish to use as the Template. If the From Energy Invoice Check Box is checked, you are presented with, and may enter the Mark For Code and Ext. Select this CheckBox if you want to create an Invoice and Receiving Report(Combo) FMS. To access WAWF, go to https://wawf.eb.mil. An Invoice is routed directly from the Vendor to the Pay Office (through an LPO if there is one). Invoice, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (iRAPT) Government Furnished Property (GFP) for Contractors Carol A. Vigna (OUSD AT&L -DPAP PDI) carol.a.vigna.civ@mail.mil Carol Albany (supporting OUSD AT&L -DPAP PDI) CarolFAlbany@gmail.com www.dodprocurementtoolbox.com 1 It submits the same information that would otherwise be submitted in a paper DD250, DD1155 or SF1449. If you select the Template CheckBox, this field is mandatory and must be a valid Invoice Number from a previously created Document. It submits the same information that would otherwise be submitted in a paper DD250, DD1155 or SF1449. If the From Invoice Check Box is checked, you are presented with a list of Invoices to choose from if any exist. Once submitted to WAWF the 2-in-1 creates a single internal Invoice/Receiving Report. The contractor may be eligible for post-payment reviews. Seating is limited, so please register as soon as possible. receiving report). A receiver can create receiving reports for Non-DCMA administered contracts or inspect, receive, reject, correct and accept materials on source acceptance contracts, and view documents in WAWF under their registered Department of Defense Address Activity Code (DoDAAC). Stand Alone Receiving Report - DFAR Appendix F: Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DFAR 252.246-7000: Material Inspection and Receiving Report. Click this button to clear the fields which allow input. Multiple Receiving Reports may be associated with a single Invoice. The LPO may be required to enter accounting data into the Long Line of Accounting (LLA) form. 810C - Invoice & Invoice 2n1 & Energy Invoice Version 6.6 July 2020 . If the business process calls for it, the document has the ability to flow from Vendor to Inspector to Contracting Office (WAWF Acceptor role) to LPO to Pay Office. That acceptance will create an MRA for EBS and also send an acceptance transaction (EDI 861) to WAWF. The Energy Invoice and Energy Receiving Report Combo enables a Vendor to create two documents from the same data entry session. The Payer will identify an associated Receiving Report or multiple Receiving Reports (multiple shipments) before payment is authorized. Template - List of Documents: Voucher Number. Miscellaneous Payment - The Misc. The Grantee (Vendor role in WAWF) populates the voucher from form SF270. (i) To determine applicable DoDAACs, use the guidance for WAWF payment instructions at https://piee.eb.mil/. Click the Pay DoDAAC >> Link to return to page for entering the Pay DoDAAC of the Pay Official. A payment official pays the vendor (compares the contract, the invoice and the government acceptance). WAWF has been modified to accept an 861 to close out the vendor Energy Receiving Report. Stand Alone Energy Receiving Report - DFAR Appendix F: Material Inspection and Energy Receiving Report, DFAR 252.246-7000: Material Inspection and Energy Receiving Report. The Payment Office uses the Energy Receiving Report in conjunction with an associated Energy Invoice or Multiple Shipment Energy Invoice to approve payment. The Invoice will flow to payment approval (via the Local Processing Office if required).