what happens when you call 911

Write all of this down... today. In dire situations, especially on the top … Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. When Treating Heart Attacks, Speed and Efficiency Are Essential. So I called 911 who put me through to the state police barracks on the South Shore. Up Next. For the estimated 240 million people who call 911 every year, they know what it’s like to have their fate held in the hands of a stranger. In a matter of seconds, you know that help is on the way. Oak Park firefighter Colleen Kobyleski takes a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when you call 911. Everything from car crashes, to heart attacks, falls, imminent births, to break ins – just to name a few. Follow any instructions the 911 dispatcher has for you. There are very few cases where you can get away with it. When you dial 911, a call taker will ask a series of questions to determine what help is needed and where to send it. Express your preferences, then work with them to figure out what's best. Active shooter emergencies are violent attacks usually carried out by lone gunmen against unarmed groups of people in a public location. Sign up for our Health Tip of the Day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. Ideally, you should tell the call-taker what the emergency is, for example: "My house is on fire!" As soon as the paramedics or the firefighters walk in, they're going to take stock of the situation. Be clear, especially if you're calling 911 on a mobile phone. January 21, 2021 May 1, 2020 by Ely. Get out of the building before you call 911. Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Remember not to hang up. What Happens When you Call 911 – 8 Tips to Be Prepared. Gather your medical information. Is there anything you need to do before help arrives? Aberdeen/Hoquiam Fire Department Safety Video with Sparky. This guide does not address these problems: 1. multiple 911 calls about the same incident, such as multiple calls about a traffic accident; and 2. false burglar and fire alarm 911 calls (see the False Burglar Alarms guidein this series). What Really Happens When You Prank Call 911? If you continue to hold down the side button and Volume button, instead of dragging the slider, a countdown will begin and an alert will sound. They'll do it very quickly; you might not even notice it. The information is vital to first responders dispatched to the location. There are usually two caregivers on an ambulance. After dialing 1-800-273-8255, you will hear the following automated message: "You have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, also servicing the Veterans service line. * They’re going to try and confirm the situation by calling back. If you call 911 to see if it is working, stay on the line and advise the operator you are just testing. I was driving on the expressway south in Boston/Quincy area and was tailgated by this jerk who kept on flashing his high beams at me. It's like playing "Marco Polo" in the pool when you're blindfolded and only have sound to guide you. What happens when you call 911? Plenty of other emergencies are worthy of a call to 911. They are your lifeline. When you dial 911, a specially trained operator will answer and direct your call to the closest and most appropriate emergency service, available, equipped and manned to best respond. The ambulance can be on the way long before the dispatcher is finished asking you questions or giving you instructions. These are things you should know so you can tell the dispatcher while crews are on their way to your home. If you're having a heart attack, for example, it makes sense to take you to a hospital with the ability to perform heart catheterization. Many 911 call centers follow protocols that guide callers through a sequence of questions to quickly obtain information necessary for dispatching the right responders to the right location. August 20 R. B. Ambulance Services 0. Do you have any allergies to medications? Now what? Emergency services practices may vary from area to area, however, there are a few universal questions that are asked across the board: In a matter of minutes, operators prioritize the information they’ve gathered from your responses to discern the type and severity of the emergency, and alert secondary response teams – be it the police, EMS, or the fire department. In dire situations, especially on the top floor of a four-story building or when multiple people are needed to provide care (such as performing CPR), the ambulance will be joined by some other form of first responders. Copyright ©2020 PLH GroupPrivacyStatementSite by Giant Shapes, National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction set for May, “Since ladder usage is common throughout our days, from our job sites to our homes, it is easy to become complacent…, Safe + Sound Topic – Stop Work Obligation, North American Standard Level I Inspection Procedure, CVSA’s Annual Brake Safety Day is September 7, 2017. When it's time to put you in the ambulance and take you to the emergency department, the decision of where to take you will be made through a combination of asking your preference and taking advantage of the strengths of each hospital. Instead, simply explain to the call-taker what happened. 911 Dispatchers May Put You on Hold for Many Reasons, Police Departments Say They're Working to Include Mental Health Professionals. How you behave in those situations depends entirely on what it is. Active Shooter. It wasn’t you who made the call. Misuse and abuse of 911 shares some similarities with the problems listed below, which require their own analysis and response. If you hold down the buttons until the countdown ends, … Tap to unmute. What Happens When You Call 911 When you call 911, a call-taker will answer the phone and say "911" or "911, what's your emergency?". Often, the police department will answer 911 initially, but then transfer the call to a medical dispatch center once they figure out you are having a medical emergency. Police and firefighters respond to plenty of other types of calls for help. That extra help for the ambulance crew comes in many forms depending on where you live. Shereen Lehman, MS, is a healthcare journalist and fact checker. Rod Brouhard is an emergency medical technician paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for emergency medical service providers and patients. Your family’s safety is always the priority at the Bethesda Fire Department. What about if you don’t speak English? When you make a 911 call on a cell phone, you are sending signals through the air. On the way to the hospital, one is going to drive while the other provides medical care in the back. As soon as it is clear to the dispatcher what type of emergency you are having and where you are located, he or she will start the crews rolling. Regardless, you are in good hands now. You've called 911. Call 911 when you get the chance, but get yourself to safety first.. Often, it's a paramedic and an EMT. Provide the location of the incident and the phone number you are calling from. Say it up front. Even if you aren’t sure if a situation is an emergency, call anyway. Never hang up until you are told to do so by the 911 dispatcher. A person does not come on the line immediately. Any time you are in a position to wonder whether or not you need to call 911 for emergency services, you will undoubtedly feel very stressed, scared or worried. While some call centers have bilingual operators, smaller 911 centers rely on a call-in translator service. Do you have pets? Here are the two things you should really know when you make that call: As soon as it is clear to the dispatcher what type of emergency you are having and where you are located, he or she will start the crews rolling. When you first call, you will get an automated greeting with additional options. Call-takers may also provide instructions about what to do until help arrives. Through blizzards, monsoons, and earthquakes, 911 operators are there for you. In many places around the country (and around the world) the people who answer your 911 call might not be the folks who will ultimately be sending what you need. And, you probably don't want the same folks to show up if your car is on fire as you do for an intruder in your house. Everything from car crashes, to heart attacks, falls, imminent births, to break ins – just to name a few. Autoplay is paused. Most of the time, the ambulance isn't going to come without some help. Please remain on the line while we route your call … These operators have a huge amount of responsibility on their shoulders and play a critical role in the safety of our communities. That's not enough information for the dispatcher to find you. Medical emergencies are only one kind of 911 call. You're signed out. The paramedics might even have protocols that dictate where they must go. Often, it's a paramedic and an EMT. Fires can build much faster than you might realize. In the case of a serious car accident all the above will be summoned. Is your home clearly marked? It doesn't really matter how fast rescuers get to you; it will seem like an eternity. Are you able to describe that weird side driveway to your apartment complex? As simple as it may seem, the system of 911 is both very clever and very sophisticated. If your line is busy or you fail to answer, there is a good chance that your situation will be considered a 112, 999, or 911 emergency. Your location: It sounds ridiculous, but any doubt about your location will slow things down. Nobody likes to consider the worst and imagine a time where they might need to call 911 for an emergency ambulance service. What happens when you dial 911 in Otter Tail County When a 911 call is received at the dispatch center the first two questions asked are; what is the nature of the emergency and what is the location of the emergency. In every case, follow the instructions of the 911 dispatcher. We prefer to think of ambulance crews as rescuers in the absolute worse case scenarios of life or death. Every time you hear a siren from a police car, an ambulance or fire engine, a whole chain of events has already occurred, most likely starting with a call to 911. Remember, the person who answers the phone when you call 911 is trained to walk you through the process. If you are in emotional distress or suicidal crisis or are concerned about someone who might be, we're here to help. In that case, a translator will join the call and help the caller and operator to communicate effectively. What happens when you call 911? Do you take medications? When you are faced with a situation that mandates calling 911, the most important thing you can do is LISTEN to what the operators says. Before the first firefighter or paramedic walks in your door, make sure you have everything you need. Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Prestige Mode Pro's & Con's + What Happens When You Prestige Additionally, a call taker may be able to provide assistance such as instructions on how to manage a medical emergency or where to go to meet responders. When you call 911 in Harford County to request emergency help, be prepared to answer the call taker's questions. She said most, if not all, call centers will call or text back when they receive a 911 call that was abandoned or had no audio. The way to respond to these incidents is to run if you can, hide if you can't, and fight if you have no other choice. They will remain on the phone with you until help arrives, and if you accidently get disconnected, they will call you back. 911 dispatchers will answer the calls as calmly as they could. Remain as calm as possible; take a deep breath and speak clearly. But, you’ll want to silence your ringer if you’re in a situation where you don’t want someone to know you’re attempting to contact 9-1-1. Ideally, you should tell the call-taker your location first then what the emergency is, for example: "My house is on fire!" When to call 911, and when to do something else. Published 2016. She has co-authored two books for the popular Dummies Series (as Shereen Jegtvig). What will happen after you ask for an ambulance, who will actually arrive on the scene, and how soon. For the estimated 240 million people who call 911 every year, they know what it’s like to have their fate held in the hands of a stranger. Even a small fire will grow to engulf an entire room in under two minutes. They'll look around and note the conditions of your home. They perform a job that requires an incredible amount of training, innate skills, and compassion to help people through emergencies – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. He won't answer his phone, but he's said these kinds of things before and didn't follow through. Do you have any chronic illnesses, especially related to your heart, lungs, brain, or blood pressure? It’s always better to be safe than sorry. They'll look at your skin to see if you're flushed or pale. Indeed, maybe the ambulance doesn't even need to turn on the lights and siren. I just woke up (it's 4 a.m. here) and I don't know what to do. Write them down. If you have never called 911 — or your own national emergency response number — to request assistance with a medical emergency before, it can be helpful to know: What to do when you call 911. It could seem as if you have time, but you don't. You accidentally called 911. Let's start by taking a look at 911 calls for medical emergencies. You'll get a completely different response to your 911 call if you're in Monterey, CA then you will in Monterey, TN. Put all of this information on one page of paper so you can quickly provide your medical history to the caregivers who arrive. If you dial 911 by mistake, or if a child in your home dials 911 when no emergency exists, do not hang up – that could make 911 officials think that an emergency exists, and possibly send responders to your location. In some parts of the country, it might be a whole slew of volunteer firefighters in their own personal pickup trucks arriving well ahead of the ambulance. The dispatcher might not be able to use your phone to find you, so it's especially important to know where you are and where the person who needs help is located. Drag the Emergency SOS slider to call emergency services. My boyfriend texted me three hours ago saying he "didn't think it he would make it through the night, and he can't make himself happy but he loves me so much." 911 Operators receive calls from all walks of life, and from every end of the emergency spectrum. If you call 911 they will send a police officer to your location (your address comes up on their computers when you dial 911). If your prank call is considered a felony - you can pay up to $10,000 and 3 years in county jail. The tower that picks up your phone's signal may be near or not. Oak Park firefighter Colleen Kobyleski takes a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when you call 911. Prank calling 911 is bad. Regardless whether your medical condition is deemed an emergency where flashing lights and a wailing siren are necessary or not, there are a few things you can do while waiting for the ambulance to make the whole process smoother. What happens when you call 911 to report a tailgater? On the way to the hospital, one is going to drive while the other provides medical care in the back. At that time processes are already in motion to affect the proper response. Lets take a look at what happens when you call. Before they ask the first question or set their equipment down next to you, they'll know if you're dangerously sick or if they have a few minutes to assess you some more. Most of the time, the ambulance isn't going to come without some help. They'll notice whether your skin is dry or sweaty. If they will try to attack the paramedics or try to escape when the front door is opened, lock them up if you can. If in case, it is an emergency wherein lives of people are at … Dealing with a chaotic pet can distract the paramedics from your medical care or put extra stress on you. In most places, the first responders are firefighters in a fire engine, but it can also be a lone paramedic in an SUV or a police officer in a patrol car. They will ask relevant information about the caller, his emergency and his location. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Well it would go a little something like this: “Hello, is anyone there?” “…” “If you cannot talk press any number on your keypad.” “…” *Hang up and call back, ask if anyone is there* “…” “Are you in trouble? Is there something the responders need to know to find you once they get to your address? In some cases, an ambulance all by itself is enough to take care of your medical issue. If you see someone taking something that belongs to someone else or breaking into a home or business; When not to call 911: Calling 911 as a joke or knowing that an emergency situation does not exist is a crime and subject to prosecution. Answer their questions to the best of your ability and follow their directions. Making a 911 call means that someone is in an emergency situation. That doesn't mean there aren't a few tips that can help ensure that help arrives as quickly as possible and brings the right equipment. You believed you were making an actual report (good faith report). Cancel. What happens if you call 911 and don’t speak? Ask your neighbors if they've had trouble getting help and ask them what the pitfalls were. You would either have to prove that. Answer as clearly as you can and stay on the line. You are here: Home > Personal Protection > Calling 911. What Happens When You Call 911 When you call 911, a call-taker will answer the phone and say "911, what's your location?". Be calm and listen to the questions that they ask. "There's a car accident at ....". So, what happens behind the scenes when you call a 911 operator? There are usually two caregivers on an ambulance. And as those emergency vehicles go screaming down the road, vital information is simultaneously being communicated to responders as they speed to the scene. An Ambulance Is on the Way... and Who Else? The answers to these questions depend on the reason you called 911 and where you are. Does Insurance Pay the Bill for Expensive Ambulance Rides? Let's start by taking a look at 911 calls for medical emergencies. Most people who are calling 911 are feeling overwhelmed. What happens if you call 911 reporting an attempted suicide? Discover If Your 10-Year-Old, Defunct Cell Phone Can Still Call 911.