A lot of reasons attribute to the greying of hair such as genes, stress, vitamin deficiency and even smoking. It has a different texture. Scientists have a hunch that the gray hairs we dread (or welcome) may arrive sooner with stress . Coloring hair caused your hair to lose it color pigmentation over time. But until now, that link wasn’t scientifically proven. "I find it much more moisturizing and it keeps the hair from getting too dry. The toxins in cigarette smoke can affect hair follicles causing grey hair earlier than expected . This texture change in hair is inevitable, for better or worse. “Inhaling vaping products can increase your heart rate, which is probably going to make you stressed and jittery, and that is something others will notice,” says Dr, Raja. Related: Why Flavored Vape Juice Is So Bad For You. Stress can cause hair to gray prematurely by affecting the stem cells that are responsible for regenerating hair pigment. Harmful Side Effects of Vaping in Teenagers. Refresh your page, login and try again. Because vaping can cause the same kinds of damage that smoking regular regular cigarettes can, when you vape, the smoke can damage your hair follicles, causing the possibility of hair loss. Posted Mar 29, 2012 Because ‘grey’ hair has no ‘colour’ of its own, and will eventually go fully white on most people, given time. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce necessary hormones in sufficient amounts. Manufacturers of these products are required to submit a list of ingredients to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration … Public health officials are looking into reports of a mysterious lung illness that has made many vapers seriously ill. 31, Rm. Stress contributes, but doesn't actually cause your graying. PMID: 31969699. The hair that regrows from hair follicles that have lost melanocyte stem cells has less pigment and appears gray. But what looks even worse …, Related: Social Media Can Make It Harder to Quit Vaping. “Certain medications and health conditions can also cause hair to turn white. Why your hair turns gray, how to care for your grays, how to cover them up, how to style them. Slow down. The more eumelanin in your hair, the darker it will be. Other potential causes of hair loss are hormonal imbalance, or you could have an underlying condition contributing to the issue. If the same chemicals that cause this are in e-cigarettes, hair loss results may be similar. Acute stress damages stem cells that control hair and skin colour, a study suggests. The researchers eventually turned to the neurotransmitter noradrenaline, which, along with corticosterone, was elevated in the stressed mice. It needs to be said again that vaping is a much better alternative than smoking tobacco and filling your lungs and body with tar and hundreds of other chemicals. We've got all the most important info you need to know about going gray. After all, our food industries today use a wealth of pesticides and chemicals to make plants more productive, and those plants include tobacco too. On average, most people’s hair is 50% white by the time they turn 50 years old,” says Kingsley. While gray hair feels coarse and rough, the structure of the strand hasn’t actually changed. Autoimmune disease and thyroid disorder can trigger grey hair. It can have many negative impacts on the body. I know NRT must affect … So it’s not as easy to breathe. The study was funded in part by NIH’s National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other NIH components. It gets its natural color from a type of pigment called melanin. You are posting comments too quickly. Here's What's Going On (and How to Stop It), Look No Further—The Best Slow Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe Is Here, Exclusive First Look! There could be various reasons for chest pain from vaping. Whatever the cause, chest pain is not an insignificant matter and could be a sign of a more … The findings give insights for future research into how stress affects stem cells and tissue regeneration. One major reason of hair turning gray at a young age is heredity. Some people consider gray hair as something that makes them look distinguished; for others, it's a reminder that they're getting older. We’re sharing four causes of gray hair, below. All caused noticeable loss of melanocyte stem cells and hair graying. Causes of Gray Hair Heredity. Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance What causes grey hair? Smoking makes your hair brittle Along with the other 4,000 harmful chemicals you are ingesting when you … So that looks very bad.” It does for sure. conditions of our. "Some gray can be resistant to hair color," say the experts at Madison Reed. Using florescent labelling, the researchers observed the stem cells change to melanocytes and migrate away from their reserve in the hair follicle. “You will notice your teeth start to yellow from vaping, and it will get worse the more you do it. But if you need a little more motivation, we’ve got it for you. Slow down. When you talk about the causes of premature white hair, you have to consider few medical conditions as contributing factors. Your account was created. Initially, hair is white. We've Got Tons of Info to Help You Decide, 200 Best Crock Pot Recipes and Easy Slow Cooker Dinner Ideas for the Family, 100+ Weight Watchers Recipes with WW Points to Help You Lose Weight, Matt James' Journey for Love Has Begun! To recap, studies show that vitamin E does not fade scars, smoking does promote gray hair, crossing your legs does not cause varicose veins, and milk does contribute to acne. Thankfully, more research is being completed on this topic as we write. As we age, these stem cells gradually disappear. WHAT CAUSES GRAY HAIR? The hair color change may be linked to nerves in the “fight or flight” response system. Refresh your page, login and try again. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, NIH Institute and Center Contact Information, Get the latest public health information from CDC, Get the latest research information from NIH, NIH staff guidance on coronavirus (NIH Only), Stress Links Poverty to Inflammation and Heart Disease, Lingering Feelings Over Daily Stresses May Impact Long-Term Health, Feeling Stressed? Hypothyroidism. Published October 2019; last updated September 2020. Here, we discuss the links between rapid or premature development of gray hair and five possible health issues, along with each condition’s related symptoms.. 5 Reasons To Never Ignore Gray Hair 1. Manufacturers of these products are required to submit a list of ingredients to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration … If you find your hair … The toxins in cigarette smoke can affect hair follicles causing grey hair earlier than expected . Gray hair is an optical illusion -- the product of colored hairs mixed in with white hairs. The mysterious vaping lung disease that caused lung injuries to young adults who vape in 46 states this time last year? It May Keep You From Getting Pregnant, vapers’ lungs have high levels of protease enzymes, Best Foods for Healthy Lungs and Ones to Avoid, Why Flavored Vape Juice Is So Bad For You, Social Media Can Make It Harder to Quit Vaping, 50 St. Patrick's Day Recipes That Will Bring the Luck of the Irish To Your Dinner Table, Which One of These 100 Diets Could Help You Lose Weight? 30 Films That Pull Back the Curtain on Royal Life, Is Your Jaw Popping and Clicking? The research team, led by Dr. Ya-Chieh Hsu of Harvard University, used mice to examine stress and hair graying. When you find a gray hair, you have two immediate options if you want to get rid of it: Ignore it, or pluck it. The more phomelanin in your hair, the redder it will be. Infographic depicting how stem cells are depleted in response to stress, causing hair to turn gray in mice. The team then investigated the role of the stress hormone corticosterone, but altering its levels didn’t affect stress-related graying. King Trust; National Science Foundation; The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation; Weizmann Institute of Science; Harvard University; Brazil’s federal Ministry of Education; Sao Paulo Research Foundation; Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This leads to the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles and leaves us with ever-increasing grey hair. Thanks for signing up! The cause of these, and especially telogen effluvium, is often an environmental trigger like a disease, medication, nutritional deficiency, or acute stress. Stress can have a variety of negative effects on the body. Vitiligo occurs when cells that produce melanin die or stop functioning, resulting in a loss of skin color in patches over the body that usually grow over time. Liang explains, “Depending on your natural hair texture, strands can become coarser or more fragile as you go gray. While being under stress can’t turn your hair gray, stress can trigger a common condition called telogen effluvium, which causes hair to shed about three times faster than normal. So if you get a paper cut, that paper cut is going to stick with you.” But even worse: the search has also found that nicotine use is linked to chronic skin conditions like acne and psoriasis, and skin cancers such as squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, as well as oral cancer. Nature. The cause of these, and especially telogen effluvium, is often an environmental trigger like a disease, medication, nutritional deficiency, or acute stress. “When you go grey is largely down to genes. Spotting grey hair when you're still young can be quite annoying. Hair color can be good for your hair texture, as the fatty lipids in it can mean less flyaways and frizz.” But Corbett counters this, “On the flip side, hair might feel better and stronger…” now as it recovers from the damage of hair color. Why does hair turn gray? Hypothyroidism. You seem to be logged out. Autoimmune disease and thyroid disorder can trigger grey hair. New melanocytes are made from melanocyte stem cells that live within the hair follicle at the base of the hair strand. Everything You Need to Know About Season 25 of. But in 2007, a study of about 1,200 California men and women showed no such link. Before we dive into the details on this one, let’s have a brief science lesson. ” That’s as bad as it gets. It looks as though you’ve already said that. The chemicals in shampoos can cause hair color to fade and degrade. Whether you’re calling it vaping or an e-cigarette, the side effects of using Juul and other types of vape pens can impact your skin, teeth, hair and lungs. Whether you’re new to vaping or a chronic user, you’re going to feel the irritation it causes you as you inhale from your e-cig or Juul. Stress can cause hair to gray prematurely by affecting the stem cells that are responsible for regenerating hair pigment. The Cleveland Clinic states that scientists suspect smoking can cause chemical changes that damage melanin-producing cells. It is natural for every person on the earth. Some users on vaping forums have stated that (fiery) cinnamon liquids containing the flavoring chemical cinnamaldehyde give them chest pain. From Our Partners at the Cleveland Clinic. Stress Relief Might Help Your Health. Epub 2020 Jan 22. “So you can get premature wrinkles and very dry skin, which don’t look good. "Nutritional and hormonal factors can affect hair colour as well as stress but, by and large, the predisposition to go grey earlier or later in life is genetic." Researchers have identified the mechanisms responsible for gray hair and baldness, a discovery that may lead to new therapies for the conditions. In fact, most people have no idea what’s in them. The idea that acute stress can cause hair to turn gray is a popular belief. Yes, of course, menopause is the symbol of becoming old, but it does not prove that gray hair will be kept around in this process. Celeb interviews, recipes, wellness tips and horoscopes delivered to your inbox daily. people these days are lacking certain vitamins. New melanocytes are made from melanocyte stem cells that live within the hair follicle at the base of the hair strand. Pursuant to U.S. Here, Dr. Raja walks us through are some of the yuckiest side effects vaping can deliver … if you’re demonstrating any of these signs, other people will definitely notice. Other potential causes of hair loss are hormonal imbalance, or you could have an underlying condition contributing to the issue. Sorry, comments are currently closed. The prevalence of smokers in the "PHG" group was higher (40.2% vs. 24.7%, P = 0.031). All hair colors are a combination of these pigments. “So if your … 6 While the exact mechanism is not understood, scientists think it’s due to oxidative stress caused by the free radicals or reactive oxygen species nicotine releases. Because iodine has been proven to increase the production of body oil. By injecting noradrenaline under the skin of unstressed mice, the researchers were able to cause melanocyte stem cell loss and hair graying. Medical Conditions. Some people think that if you pluck one gray hair, then it will grow two gray hairs in the same place later and that is the common myth about hair gray. As you age, your hair is eventually going to turn grey. Particular diseases can cause premature graying, including vitiligo and alopecia areata, according to Robert H. Shmerling, M.D., senior faculty editor of Harvard Health Publishing. They first tested whether immune attack might be responsible for depleting melanocyte stem cells. Drug activates brown fat, improves glucose metabolism in healthy women, New strategies drive HIV from cellular hiding places, Subscribe to get NIH Research Matters by email, Mailing Address: Furthermore, a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found a significant relation between the onset of gray hair before the age of 30 years and cigarette smoking, with smokers on-average going gray three years earlier … Genetics can play a role in when this starts. And your lungs will not be happy. However, mice without adrenal glands still showed stress-related graying. We're Digging into Details in Our, Watch the Probation Officer Who Takes His Biggest Risk Ever By Auditioning for, Kids, Kids, Kids! If you vape, you’ll be spending lots more of your hard-earned cash on teeth whiteners thanks to side effects impacting your dental health. But stressing mice with compromised immune systems still led to hair graying. National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. New York Times notes that several studies suggest smoking can lead to premature hair loss. Zhang B, Ma S, Rachmin I, He M, Baral P, Choi S, Gonçalves WA, Shwartz Y, Fast EM, Su Y, Zon LI, Regev A, Buenrostro JD, Cunha TM, Chiu IM, Fisher DE, Hsu YC. The damage is permanent.”. From learning the jargon to understanding the differences in e-juice, vaping does have some obstacles you’ll need to learn how to overcome. Hair loss is surprising side effect of Juuling. However, when you start to gray naturally due to the slowing of melanocytes depends upon your individual genetics. Acute stress damages stem cells that control hair and skin colour, a study suggests. Lifestyle: It is another primary cause of grey hair, particularly among the younger generations. Editor: Harrison Wein, Ph.D. Assistant Editors: Erin Bryant and Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D. NIH Research Matters is a weekly update of NIH research highlights reviewed by NIH’s experts. No doubt you’ve heard by now that in the vaping vs. smoking debate, vaping is considered dangerous to your health. Due to higher stress, insomnia, tension, unhealthy eating, etc. Ingredients to Avoid; What’s in your vape liquid can be difficult to assess. Furthermore, catalase also protects our body cells from the damage of H2O2. Talking too fast … a bad case of the shakes … not a great impression to make on a date, or on your boss. Recipes. Think about each of these very visible side effects and what displaying them truly says about you … and quit vaping today. Office of Communications and Public Liaison. 100 Inspiring Quotes on Love and Marriage, The 35 Best Online Games to Play With Friends While Social Distancing, 100 Inspiring Quotes About Moms To Celebrate Your Mom On Mother's Day, Will Nathan Be Forced to Leave the Red Serge? “Autoimmune means your own cells are attacking your body,” says Dr. Jihn. When you talk about the causes of premature white hair, you have to consider few medical conditions as contributing factors. The findings give insights for future research into how stress affects stem cells and tissue regeneration. Constant coughing that could eventually indicate serious illness is not a good thing. of our. Some stress is required for us to "fight or flight" a danger. Your hair color is a product of two pigments in the hair shaft, eumelanin and phomelanin. Did you know that vaping can have the most unattractive, gross impact on your daily health and looks, too? The team ultimately discovered that signaling from the sympathetic nervous system plays a critical role in stress-induced graying. Noradrenaline is also the main neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight-or-flight” reaction in response to stress. However, smoking does have an effect on your appearance, and one of the ways it does that is by causing lacklustre hair and even premature hair loss. “So if your … Is It Inappropriate to Refer to Electrical Cords and Sockets as 'Male' and 'Female'? Autoimmune diseases that attack the skin and hair, such as alopecia or vitiligo, can also cause grays. Contrary to popular belief, stress has not been shown to cause gray hair. A cleaner environment usually means your hair will look better; Shampoo. However, there are some foods that can accelerate the greying … I know quite a few people have noted increased hair growth since vaping which they attribute to no longer smoking. If your hair yellows around the same time as when you switched your brand, that could be the source of your problem; Yellowing hair isn’t a one-size-fits … Some stress is required for us to "fight or flight" a danger. Celebrity interviews, recipes and health tips delivered to your inbox. Gray Hair Cause #1: Reduction in or lack of melanin. It's published by the Office of Communications and Public Liaison in the NIH Office of the Director. It’s also harder to avoid. Jay Yuno / iStock / Getty Images Plus . Because ‘grey’ hair has no ‘colour’ of its own, and will eventually go fully white on most people, given time. Vaping is likely to produce the same side effects in teenagers as it does in adults. These can be ruled out by a physician. So it becomes a vicious cycle. “Inflammation that vaping will cause all throughout your body can gradually affect your gums to such a serious extent that your teeth will fall out. Once they’re gone, you can’t regenerate pigments anymore. But this can be a side effect of vaping and Juuling. NIH Research Matters The hair that regrows from hair … So, Does Vaping Cause Acne? When hair loss is related to a medication, stopping the drug usually prevents further hair loss, and the hair will eventually grow back. Stress doesn't cause you to gray, but it can cause temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, dermatologist Howard Brooks told CNN. The sun does not cause you to gray, but it does cause wrinkles. Cancer patients' grey hair unexpectedly darkens in drug study This article is more than 3 years old Spanish study suggests side effects of new immunotherapy drugs may include restoring hair … Researchers set out to determine if stress could also cause hair to gray, and if so, how. If your mother or father started getting white hairs at a young age, it is likely that you will as well. “Bacteria from vaping liquids causing your teeth to be discolored,” says Dr. Raja. That should be enough to convince you it’s time to quit vaping. Please try again. Nicotine in vape liquids may also cause or more of the following side effects: Receding gums; Periodontitis; Gingivitis; Teeth grinding; Vaping teeth stain . As we age, these stem cells gradually disappear. Here are ten top reasons of hair growing gray early. Do it for your health, first and foremost—and then do it for your self-respect. Conclusion Stress Does Stress Cause Wrinkles and Gray Hair: Fact or Fiction? How to Go From Dyed Hair to Gray Hair. Whoops! With gray hair, it tends to [feel] a little bit dryer. Excessive heat, high nicotine, or maybe even the specific flavorings in a particular e-liquid could be the cause. As you age, your hair is eventually going to turn grey. Myth-8: Menopause causes gray hair. 9. “After just a few days, all of the melanocyte stem cells were lost. Do not sell my personal information. 5B52, MSC 2094 Manage your GDPR consents by clicking here. Noradrenaline causes the stem cells to activate. Hair color is determined by cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin. NRT does have a reputation for causing hairloss, and we are consuming the same stuff in patch, gums etc when we vape (nicotine isolated and extracted from tobacco). Vaping is likely to produce the same side effects in teenagers as it does in adults. Stress Causes Gray Hair. The symptoms of this disease are shortness of breath, chest pains, vomiting, and diarrhea. Build-up of hydrogen peroxide . In time, everyone’s hair turns gray. So, Does Vaping Cause Acne? Another contributor to gray hair is hydrogen peroxide in your body. This research shows that, at least when it comes to the body’s ability to clear mucus and phlegm, one of the consequences of vaping and smoking traditional cigarettes is equally sticky. Noradrenaline is produced mostly by the adrenal glands. Smokers had earlier onset of hair graying (smokers: 31 (7.4) vs. nonsmokers: 34 (8.6), P = 0.034). Research shows that this kind of hair loss can be super hard to treat, too, so your hair loss could be permanent. “Vaping also causes inflammation in your lungs,” explains Dr. Raja. Uh-oh! It can have many negative impacts on the body. “Vaping liquids actually coat your lungs as you absorb it through your e-cigarette, which makes your lungs’ job a lot harder as they attempt to function. Tips. But once you understand how gray hair works, it'll be easy to fix all the “coarse, thin, and less manageable” parts. Myth, busted: Does plucking gray hairs make more grow back? Harmful Side Effects of Vaping in Teenagers. However, when mice lacking immune cells still showed hair graying, researchers turned to the hormone cortisol. This research shows that, at least when it comes to the body’s ability to clear mucus and phlegm, one of the consequences of vaping and smoking traditional cigarettes is equally sticky. This is a good hypothesis, but scientists continue to investigate why hair turns gray. Get ’Em Here! Related: Best Foods for Healthy Lungs and Ones to Avoid. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce necessary hormones in sufficient amounts. It looks as though you’ve already said that. The authors highlight the need to further study the interactions between the nervous system and stem cells in different tissues and organs. The science behind how stress impacts aging. Although you might associate gray hair with those in their 50s or older, it's normal for the first gray hairs to start sprouting at about age 30 for men or 35 for women. The team first hypothesized that stress causes an immune attack on pigment-producing cells. Autoimmune diseases that attack the skin and hair, such as alopecia or vitiligo, can also cause grays. The hair grows back, so the condition doesn’t cause balding. “When you’re feeling nervous and stressed, you tend to get irritated at others, too”—another way you probably never thought vaping could potentially affect your life and relationships. This leads to early growth of grey hair. Copyright law, as well as other applicable federal and state laws, the content on this website may not be reproduced, distributed, displayed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, without the prior, express, and written permission of Athlon Media Group. Gray Hair. There may be a new disease caused by vaping. Telogen effluvium causes the hair to fall out and when hairs grow back, they're often less pigmented than the original, and can eventually turn gray. Yellow Teeth, Premature Wrinkles and Hair Loss: These Are the Grossest Side Effects of Vaping. Bldg. "Some gray can be resistant to hair color," say the experts at Madison Reed. Normally, the melanocyte stem cells in the follicle are dormant until a new hair is grown. Sunlight is filtered through our atmosphere and grey hair will look blue-grey or white. Results: Of the 207 subjects, 104 (50.2%) had first appearance of gray hair before the age of 30 (PHG group) while the other 103 (49.8%) were considered normal hair graying group. One common obstacle that vapers, especially newbies, tend to run into is a sore throat. After all, our food industries today use a wealth of pesticides and chemicals to make plants more productive, and those plants include tobacco too. Researchers say they now think they know how stress causes gray hair. The chemicals in shampoos can cause hair color to fade and degrade. However, if you've started spotting those grey stands in your late 20's, then it could be a matter of concern. They found that noradrenaline, also known as norepinephrine, was key to stress-induced hair graying. Your chance of going gray increases 10-20% every decade after 30 years. From learning the jargon to understanding the differences in e-juice, vaping does have some obstacles you’ll need to learn how to overcome. Bad air quality and other forms of pollution can cause a lot of problems for your hair. Spotting grey hair when you're still young can be quite annoying. Stress is generally not good for health. There's no doubt that smoking affects your skin, but what about vaping? Damage Caused … There’s more than one factor that can contribute to gray strands. Please check your email to confirm your subscription. A disgusting chemical odor clinging to your clothes … delightful? A lot of reasons attribute to the greying of hair such as genes, stress, vitamin deficiency and even smoking. The idea that acute stress can cause hair to turn gray is a popular belief. An email has been sent to you. Incorrect email or username/password combination. However, there are some foods that can accelerate the greying … Sympathetic nerves extend into each hair follicle and release noradrenaline in response to stress. The findings appeared in Nature on January 22, 2020. Who Was Eliminated from. You are posting comments too quickly. Children with parents whose hair turned gray at young ages have a higher chances of growing gray hair in their youth. In autoimmune disease, your own immune system destroys your cells instead of protecting, which can affect your hair … Hyperactivation of sympathetic nerves drives depletion of melanocyte stem cells. Your use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notification, and awareness of the California Privacy Rights. Here, we discuss the links between rapid or premature development of gray hair and five possible health issues, along with each condition’s related symptoms.. 5 Reasons To Never Ignore Gray Hair 1. Still Have Questions After Meghan and Harry's Interview? Whoops! Dr. Raja says that the inflammation vaping causes in other parts of your body can wreak havoc in your mouth, too. How Telemedicine Can Keep You Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Everything You Need to Know About Pneumonia, Need Another Reason to Stop Juuling? By Coco Ballantyne on October 24, 2007; Share on Facebook. Hair dyes can cause your hair to be dry or brittle but no its not causing you to go gray. Watch This Katy Perry Superfan Audition for, 150 Rainbow Quotes to Brighten Your Mood and Add Color to Your Day, Season 5 Has Arrived! References: Hyperactivation of sympathetic nerves drives depletion of melanocyte stem cells. Nicotine in vape liquids may also cause or more of the following side effects: Receding gums; Periodontitis; Gingivitis; Teeth grinding; Vaping teeth stain . According to the Mayo Clinic, third-hand smoke is what clings to furniture, hair, carpet, and other surfaces and materials. If your hair yellows around the same time as when you switched your brand, that could be the source of your problem; Yellowing hair isn’t a one-size-fits … You seem to be logged out. Ad Choices. The worst is, high levels of H2O2 further inhibit our body’s ability to make catalase. Not so much! By creating an account, you accept the terms and Some research has suggested a connection between premature graying and lower bone density later in life. In cigarette smokers, that suffocation leads to aging skin. In addition to skin aging, too, vaping can also delay wound healing. It needs to be said again that vaping is a much better alternative than smoking tobacco and filling your lungs and body with tar and hundreds of other chemicals. Sunlight is filtered through our atmosphere and grey hair will look blue-grey or white. The knowledge gained in this work will be useful in future investigations into the impact of stress on the body and the development of new interventions. But until now, that link wasn’t scientifically proven. Once again, they found a dead end. The fact is, the results from research are themselves pretty gray. However, if you've started spotting those grey stands in your late 20's, then it could be a matter of concern. The cosmetic scientist named Randy Schueller says that no problem will occur if you pluck one gray hair, then there …
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